so slippery and misleading
Joy obliterates wahls
Your Love fills my spirit
When I infuse that love into all things
Easily I am able to slip off the peal
Revealing the true
Like the heavenly Rains
It welcomes such joy and lets me in
Soaking up such nourishment
What seems like a miracle becomes easy
Seeds take root
Conception is afoot
Don't be tricked by the blowing winds of change
Don't ever doubt me
Have Faith like an ever flowing river,
When clouds obscure your vision, remember the sun is ALWAYS just beyond your view
Don't lose faith so easily over every little set back. Bending like a reed at every whim of pleasure and pain, at every set back, losing faith so easy. These times are mere tests... The shift is happening, World Peace and planetary healing is among us.. Never stop believing this, or working towards this, it is only a matter of time. Have courage like the Jaguar, let your vision soar above the clouds like the Eagle at all times.
See beyond the suffering of rough seas, to the calm Tranquil Light just above, that never ceases to shine. We all come fromt he Mother and to her We shall return, like a drop of rain flowing to the Ocean... Hoof and horn hoof and horn, all that dies shall be reborn, corn and grain, corn and grain, all that's fallen shall rise again. May all beings be free of suffering, may all beings know peace. Faith. Trust. Even in death. Trust. She is all around us, and she is in us and with us, always, in every perfect moment. Stay anchored to this wisdom.

Letter to Peter:
Been thinking about your thoughts on "anarchy". At first this term rubbed me funny, but so does" Atheist". It's like those words are somehow offensive. Just like how "activist" rubs some the wrong way, like it has adopted this negative stigma. "Trouble makers, Godless, chaos" are words that get stirred up... We have so much fear baked into us of speaking the truth, we are so beat down, from the minute we are born, and our births are stolen from the control of our mothers with doctors telling them what she had no choice but to do to us even as a day old.
For my own daughters I had to advocate, and be an outsider. A rebel! anytime you stray from convention even a tiny bit, you get assigned this vibe of trouble maker... then there are the countless pediatrician appointments where you have to fight for rights over decisions where they tell you what you have no choice over, then the dentists with their flouride push and the countless waivers you sign when you don't do what they tell you with your own child. - until and IF you find a practitioner that is a 1 in a million... finally you think you have it good,
And then schools! unless you pay for an alternative school it's advocating tooth and nail again! if you don't want to participate in some test....and on and on till the day we die when we can't even be buried in a field beside a tree, there are rules about that too!
For my own daughters I had to advocate, and be an outsider. A rebel! anytime you stray from convention even a tiny bit, you get assigned this vibe of trouble maker... then there are the countless pediatrician appointments where you have to fight for rights over decisions where they tell you what you have no choice over, then the dentists with their flouride push and the countless waivers you sign when you don't do what they tell you with your own child. - until and IF you find a practitioner that is a 1 in a million... finally you think you have it good,
And then schools! unless you pay for an alternative school it's advocating tooth and nail again! if you don't want to participate in some test....and on and on till the day we die when we can't even be buried in a field beside a tree, there are rules about that too!
and suddenly I see that what comes a bit natural to me - having to ADVOCATE loudly, respectfully, but firmly for every little stray from convention, is in fact "anarchy". Being a Capable being able to stray from INSTITUTIONAL protocols, is apparently "anarchy"!
And is it any wonder that we allow this control and domination, and fear to go along unchecked, afraid, so afraid to say anything? And even just so afraid of the sheer hassle of confrontation?
And is it any wonder that we allow this control and domination, and fear to go along unchecked, afraid, so afraid to say anything? And even just so afraid of the sheer hassle of confrontation?
We have been burned, hung, shot , drown, and worse- simply for speaking truth, simply for being a "THOUGHT CRIMINAL" throughout his story - and this has left its impressions. But with eyes wide open we can overcome... but it takes CONSTANT advocating. Respectfully. and constantly having to remind ourselves of the powers we have...
to quote myself from earlier today... How much aboriginal and native wisdom/ medicine is well documented in this country's "historical archives"? How did they make it rain? How do you talk to the spirits? As far we are concerned the "his story" of this land we call a nation, begins with the "discovery" of it by white people. And any last "ugly" or "savage" reminder was decimated, wiped out, hysterectomy-ed. And instead history begins with hallmarks in timelines on a child's history report set by Presidents, and wars.= of this "great" nation.
Is it no wonder we doubt our own internal abilities and powers as life givers, as bearers of fertility, of seed planters, of shakers and movers as those who can speak to the spirits, and as powerful beings, when all this wonderful information has been all but stolen from us? Is it any wonder we are so afraid to even speak of the powers we have? We are forced into confines of the "rational voice of what is real" and what is "allowed", forgetting that their is another in between world of becoming, where life gets called forth into being... that shares no such jail cells and confines of real vs unreal, and this wisdom gets lost, discredited, and abandoned, edited, hystorical-ectomied... Instead of Jail cells, simply LIFE cells not yet materialized get called forth...
So when language purposefully fails, is it no wonder documentation proves difficult. And this actual proof is ESSENTIAL to SOLIDIFY and Empower our senses so that our abilities and potential is there! The storytellers! the song writers! the poets! ahhh! We need this documentation to pass on to the future generations! Rumi you brilliant man! Nicheren Daishonin! and oh I weep for all the sister's whose wisdom was recorded and burned enmasse... lost
So when language purposefully fails, is it no wonder documentation proves difficult. And this actual proof is ESSENTIAL to SOLIDIFY and Empower our senses so that our abilities and potential is there! The storytellers! the song writers! the poets! ahhh! We need this documentation to pass on to the future generations! Rumi you brilliant man! Nicheren Daishonin! and oh I weep for all the sister's whose wisdom was recorded and burned enmasse... lost
But no. this is Anarchy they say, this is mythology, they say, this is blasphemy. The incredible thing also that I am faced with the realization of is that so many who are shaming, judging, condemning others, and pushing for Religion the way they see it their way or the highway, the REAL RULE followers of these institutions, are the ones who absolutely need these conventions because I think they might actually be real assholes! without them ! aren't they the same poeple being caught in bathrooms with little boys? those anti-gay senators and they CAN't FATHOM that anyone could have an ACTUAL REAL moral compass without these conventions and be, GASP! an atheist, or an activist, or an anarchist! That if you are one of these A words, you MUST be a GODLESS chaotic total HEDONIST and therefore immoral. They think, "I know I am a monster without these guidelines, so everyone else must be too!"
So I finally get the whole anarchy thing. And YES. I still think there are some people who are not ready to be without their rules... Who need rules and convention, but they will slowly learn to cultivate their own moral compass in time... I think? I know that I need my own unique weird morning routine to feel aligned... but I wouldn't force it on anyone else...
But... I have hope. I think that this consciousness shift that so many of us know is real, because we do, not because anyone told us, is ALL about awakening the anarchist, atheist, independent thinkers in all of us! A WHOLE wave of CAPABLE beings are being born in all of us... and it's FREAKING ME OUT! in the best way possible... So CHEERS! to pushing my mind to think about anarchy differntly... you planted that seed brotha!
Letter To Mags/"Concerning the Heavy Heart" Transforming Sufferings to Joy
I wrote out that Rumi poem and though every word is true, It was a generic feel better. It wasn't as authentic as it should have been.. But tonight I was watering my garden and I thought of you, and the sufferings you are going through in your community and the heavy heart you are feeling for your sister. I drove home from my family vacation tonight. I broke away just for tonight, and am driving back tomorrow to RI where my whole family is. I drove home alone to water my garden, to get the mail, to check on the cats, and to teach a class tomorrow morning. I listened to the new Nathan album and the Barr brothers and felt so close to my whole big family. and not one but 2 rainbows appeared in the sky! and my favorite Miyazaki clouds of hope...
And I SO relate to what you are feeling. My sister is everything to me and in less than a week her, and her whole family is leaving for Bosnia. And I am so afraid, as the climate there is politically unstable as they are healing from war still and tensions still exist... and I had my o2wn existential moment of loss of faith, anger at war, and feeling of hopelessness and overwhelming grief... and as I watered my garden in the dark and picked some overgrown fat little snap peas and the first of my red cherry tomatoes being bit by mosquitoes, I thought of you. And then I came in the house. and after being nonstop for the last 2 hours diddle daddling around the house, I stopped and I sat on my couch and put a hand on my heart and a hand on my belly and I sat and just let myself rest.
I breathed and felt love permeate me recharging me... (please do this) And a message came in... and it was for you. And I thought about soemthing that had occured to me about a month ago concerning the heavy heart, rain, sufferings, pain, and sorrow... I thought about how when it rains the flowers and plants are so heavy and droopy and how they must feel so laden with those deep torrential rains... and how when we get those DEEP drinks and it's just too much for the soul to bare, we Cry out. When we just can't take it. our breaking point!
That's when We cry out. and the Sun comes. eventually as we cry it comes... and the clouds part and the Sun Light draws up with it sooo much moisture pulling up our sorrows to it. and with it. Magic happens. GROWTH. Like none other a simple garden hose could never give. Those DEEP drinks that LIFE SLAMS us with, that are so heavy and intense but that stimulate so much Growth and strength, resilience like none other... the Mother would never give us what we can't handle.
At times it feels like we will bend and breaka nd snap and the flood will take us away. But then as we cry out "ENOUGH!" STOP! the sun comes and witht he moisture it PULLS US UP and we grow toward the light ever more LOVINg ever more Resilient. With ever more Compassion and all children become our own in our strife we understand so much more of suffering... our hearts grow so much bigger with compassion... and we love deeper, our roots grow deeper... and our sorrow is as deep as our love. And our radiant sunflower heads RISE and Bloom. and send seeds of more love out... that's the vision that came in for you.. I hope I am communicating it well.
That is for you. I love you my dear. How brave and beautiful to reach out so that milk might come... I pray for it to come and for it to wrap it's LOVINg arms around you and your community so that so much Growth and meaning might come so much MEDICINE from poison. SO much ANGEL LIGHT I love you God Bless

Compassionate Dialogue
Do You just want to feel superior or do You really want to change the world? The only thing that will ever bridge our country is to be aware of how privilidge also takes the form of education. And how we can choose to demonize and persecute others for their lack of exposure or start by respecting the innate dignity and potential of all beings - rather than demonizjng them as a lost cause or persecuting them. knowing all people deserve to be privy to the exposure and knowledge that has broadened our own horizons on any particular issue is the place to start. Educating without arrogance is a skill. Explaining without ego. And in the process, by releasing arrogance we also learn from others what we ourselves have no exposure to.
I recently had experience with this when explaining simply to someone what "white privilidge" meant- he was triggered by that word because in his socio economic lifestyle he felt anything but privileged. He then needed explaining of what "rape culture" meant and how whistling at a girl is not a compliment. This was done by avoiding all trigger words without judging him or disrespecting him or demonizjng him. This was done while I maintained respect for his innate dignity in a respectful way that helped create exposure for him in offering examples and compassion. This will be much more effective than being offended and finding this person a lost cause and stupid and offensive and attacking him for it. So often we think we are standing up for a cause when really we are feeding division and heirarchy and division and war.
What I have learned in my years of environmental work - is that we have to avoid trigger words and phrases that people have been conditioned to react to, and find words and language that break through triggers in order to get anywhere. To have reasonable and compassionate diologues that bring us together and get us to our goal of fostering understanding. We are all so primal and attack eachother much too easily. from an anthropological perspective it is truly as if we are living in 2 cultures and in order to communicate truly, we must understand that language needs to be translateable to whatever the politically and sociologically conditioned demographic is. The Buddha called this: "expedient means" or teaching to the capacity of the learner and times. This requires a genuine compassion, care and a desire for the goal of education and unity. Rather than holding on to anger, demonizjng, and just wanting to be superior. This is very important to these times!! that we help foster exposure and education through patience, dialogue, and compassion.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~
I recently had experience with this when explaining simply to someone what "white privilidge" meant- he was triggered by that word because in his socio economic lifestyle he felt anything but privileged. He then needed explaining of what "rape culture" meant and how whistling at a girl is not a compliment. This was done by avoiding all trigger words without judging him or disrespecting him or demonizjng him. This was done while I maintained respect for his innate dignity in a respectful way that helped create exposure for him in offering examples and compassion. This will be much more effective than being offended and finding this person a lost cause and stupid and offensive and attacking him for it. So often we think we are standing up for a cause when really we are feeding division and heirarchy and division and war.
What I have learned in my years of environmental work - is that we have to avoid trigger words and phrases that people have been conditioned to react to, and find words and language that break through triggers in order to get anywhere. To have reasonable and compassionate diologues that bring us together and get us to our goal of fostering understanding. We are all so primal and attack eachother much too easily. from an anthropological perspective it is truly as if we are living in 2 cultures and in order to communicate truly, we must understand that language needs to be translateable to whatever the politically and sociologically conditioned demographic is. The Buddha called this: "expedient means" or teaching to the capacity of the learner and times. This requires a genuine compassion, care and a desire for the goal of education and unity. Rather than holding on to anger, demonizjng, and just wanting to be superior. This is very important to these times!! that we help foster exposure and education through patience, dialogue, and compassion.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~
sweet messengers
"walking through the dark with a line in my head
I can't tell you what it means
Out on a limb, we sing to the empty night
Nothing more than to live our dreams
I can't tell you what it means
Out on a limb, we sing to the empty night
Nothing more than to live our dreams
Little bird from the woods
Where my best stand stood
I will not forget
Don't give up on me yet
Where my best stand stood
I will not forget
Don't give up on me yet
Wings of white coming soon
In the light of the moon" ~BP
In the light of the moon" ~BP
2 nights ago the Warm Wild wind woke me straight from bed carried me up the stairs... wrapped me up in sweet things from the whispering trees... and filled me with the sweetest dreams... they spoke of love delivering to me your messages... Your love warmed the very earth and heavens. All for me... in my moment of weakness.. Finally broken I allowed myself to fall... and in that honest fall You came rushing in... Finally I let go and received...
The only time I lament is when too weak in the thick mucus of my eggnog slumber of hopeless moments, I am... to RISE. I rise now. I chant and stay in the glow where our love lives... beyond any concrete cells of proof... my faith trusts the messengers
The only time I lament is when too weak in the thick mucus of my eggnog slumber of hopeless moments, I am... to RISE. I rise now. I chant and stay in the glow where our love lives... beyond any concrete cells of proof... my faith trusts the messengers
thank you for not giving up on me with your many calls oh sweet messengers
Happy spring greens, herbs, flowers all transplanted to pots.
So much Love so much love as I feed them emulsions and compost, crab shells and coffee grounds, ambrosia tenderly pours in~
My raincoat covered in a mist that lingers on my eyebrows, that I can taste fresh on my lip. It is raining. How they love to be planted and transplanted int he rain... my reward?
Grace, ease, comfort. Love. An alertness in the elements awakens in me. Present of the moment and sounds all around. Green all around, moss, mud, trees, buds, birds calls, my wind chime. I'm in heaven. Connected to nature.
There is no need for anything. No validation needed, no ego to stroke. there is only each moment. A Gift. I feel perfect and complete. Fed, and nurtured. What a reciprocal cycle.
Silent and wonderful~~
Seeds go in next
Today is Goat cheese with lavender honey. Today is morning kisses and loving sisters. It is woven baskets of grapevine, and sipping fine matte on my couch listening to the rain outside. It's the sunflowers whose water I just changed, sitting on the counter, It's showing up, wholly present no matter how tired.It's the lavender plant that brings me joy on my porch. Today is the garden. It's a clean house, knowing I've done everything I set out to do today. It's the moment after some hard work. It's the rest before needing to go out into the world to teach. It's the knowing that if I hadn't stepped up, I wouldn't be feeling THIS. It's basking and knowing the moment is fleeting. These things are my sanctuary, these things fill me.
From a purely academic study type assessment I find the cop video harassing the nurse a very interesting litmus test of socio-economic demographics and political leanings.
When I was studying how to speak to white republicans about environmental issues in a way in which they would hear it, I learned that if I focused on values that spoke to those leanings- I had 100% success rate. For example: jobs, respect for authority figures, self - reliance, no taxes... so I focused onrenewable job growth- in state, and jobs staying in state vs the proposed gas pipelines which would make us dependent on outside reliance, I focused on risks to our hard working first responders from fossil fuel project, and I focused on how the utilities companies wanted consumers to pay for the construction. This absolutely true and factual messaging made it possible for me to speak in a way in which that politically conditioned demographic could actually hear me in order to have an actual conversation and compassionate dialogue. So that we could work together.
When I was studying how to speak to white republicans about environmental issues in a way in which they would hear it, I learned that if I focused on values that spoke to those leanings- I had 100% success rate. For example: jobs, respect for authority figures, self - reliance, no taxes... so I focused onrenewable job growth- in state, and jobs staying in state vs the proposed gas pipelines which would make us dependent on outside reliance, I focused on risks to our hard working first responders from fossil fuel project, and I focused on how the utilities companies wanted consumers to pay for the construction. This absolutely true and factual messaging made it possible for me to speak in a way in which that politically conditioned demographic could actually hear me in order to have an actual conversation and compassionate dialogue. So that we could work together.
In regards to the mistreated nurse: I have noticed that many demographics such as this have been faced with a conflict of loyalty. Respect for authority figures. On the one hand you have a hard working first responder on the other hand you have a hard working first responder. One is a nurse, one is a cop. She is white. He is white. She also seemed to be the one upholding the letter of the law more accurately than the police officer.
I have noticed in general, that the demographic that wouldn't typically be posting police brutality videos when police abuse their authority and power, are outraged about this video. (As well as people who normally post police brutality videos regardless of the race and demographic of the victim being mistreated) I also can't help wonder if the nurse's race being more relatable to the demographic- that is now posting this video and creating petitions and so righteously outraged -has anything to do with it.
But MOsT importantly I find this phenomena very very good. Because it shows the very onset for persons who uphold authority and the law -sometimes to a fault- to use deductive reasoning and independent thinking to form.... morality. Inner compass. A shift from "morality due to authority and control" towards "morality due to inner compass". This demonstrates a conflict which forces the viewer to understand the problem with blind respect for authority. This white female blonde nurse was being joyfully used by spirit to teach a very important lesson in the evolution of our mass consciousness towards.... compassion. Moral compass. Justice. Independent reasoning. Self reliance and autonomy.
🌸 Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~

On Invoking the rains~
I made a gentle rain
life-giving and nourishing, with love.
Previous, with inferior teachings, only floods and gales came, in trying to manipulate space and time. Once separation, arrogance, and superiority was discarded, and Genuine Love filled me as an offering, it came easy of it's own volition
life-giving and nourishing, with love.
Previous, with inferior teachings, only floods and gales came, in trying to manipulate space and time. Once separation, arrogance, and superiority was discarded, and Genuine Love filled me as an offering, it came easy of it's own volition

On Never stopping to play the Fool
It's easy after a while to stop trying. It's easy to not make ourselves vulnerable. It's HARD to put our hearts out there creatively... especially when we do and get nothing in return. When we get hurt, when we feel dejected... But the more we do, the more we are giving so much permission for others to do so also... be strong... Sometimes I realize all I really want is a friend who I can stretch myself with to limitless sizes! of magic proportions, and it can be isolating when where we thrive is among many others who embody such freedom and of course we become amplified in our ability to grow our consioucness... when contagious environments of seed bed magic are not only planted but become rich with a vast ecosystem teaming with freedom through creative play... vines of artistic poetry lines start sprouting almost on their own taking us to new limits in limitless bound and leaps...
but in a world that sees vulnerability and honesty as WEAKNESS, and as a chance to Prey on those displaying such openness, tossing them aside as meek; it's easy to just not want to do it anymore. One might think, "Is there NO ONE out there to play a fool in brilliant merriment and creative genius with me? Is there No one in the void that understands how much BRAVERY and Love, and Strength it takes to be so vulnerable and open?"
To paint the more beautiful world where vulnerability and loving honesty and being there for others genuinely strengthening the bonds- replaces the reign of isolating tyranny, - a sort of fortitude and resiliance is needed. It's like being as Ryan Montbleau says (Songwriters are indeed the Poets of our generation) it's like being "a champion of prize fight lover, covered up in wounds from the war" ~ Bright Side
Another great one of his is ~Pacing like Prince...
"Fishing for ears so to catch some noise
And if you go too slow, they never get it
If you go too fast, you never get to get it good...what good to be a truth-seeker, crowd-pleaser touring the world
Pacing in that hotel, missing his girl... Whoa, they got you reeling like a reel-to-reel, feeling insane
Bleeding out your music, wincing in pain
But you are more than able, more than Cain
Pacing like Prince in Purple Rain"
"Fishing for ears so to catch some noise
And if you go too slow, they never get it
If you go too fast, you never get to get it good...what good to be a truth-seeker, crowd-pleaser touring the world
Pacing in that hotel, missing his girl... Whoa, they got you reeling like a reel-to-reel, feeling insane
Bleeding out your music, wincing in pain
But you are more than able, more than Cain
Pacing like Prince in Purple Rain"
ahhh. yeah. I feel that. All we really crave is genuine connection and good friends who shoulder eachother. Stay strong and keep loving bravely with scars and battle wounds of prize fight lovin. the more we do the more we hold space and give permission for others to do so. Keep it BIG. It takes Resillience!
"Sages and Worthies are tested with Abuse"- Nichiren Daishonin
It's a self sacrificing cause, with Endless wonderous merit and reward bodies, and benefit. for all...
"Sages and Worthies are tested with Abuse"- Nichiren Daishonin
It's a self sacrificing cause, with Endless wonderous merit and reward bodies, and benefit. for all...
Yet another from one of the greatest poets of our generation Mr Nathan Moore:
"In the trees you see the promises Sunday morning made. (heaven)
The moon's a smiling fool above the lake.... So you follow the fooly bear across the ballroom floor... The band is playing hazy as you make it to the door. ...I wonder what the caterpillar thinks of butterflies
awkwardly tumblin through the air.... (that line right there sums it up nicely! Capacity is the matter at hand
It's a very big world for such a little boy.
Pretty soon, you'll see you're far and wide.
Welcome to the real world.
Where you and I were born.
Where, even when you're sleeping-
you're dreamin" " - The Real World by Nathan Moore
"In the trees you see the promises Sunday morning made. (heaven)
The moon's a smiling fool above the lake.... So you follow the fooly bear across the ballroom floor... The band is playing hazy as you make it to the door. ...I wonder what the caterpillar thinks of butterflies
awkwardly tumblin through the air.... (that line right there sums it up nicely! Capacity is the matter at hand

It's a very big world for such a little boy.
Pretty soon, you'll see you're far and wide.
Welcome to the real world.
Where you and I were born.
Where, even when you're sleeping-
you're dreamin" " - The Real World by Nathan Moore
Keep being a Champion prize lovin angel I will tell myself too~ ! I love you all
the Process of Healing
When the world seems against us, and we feel like everything is going wrong... When we notice how on edge we are, how we are letting every person bug us, try asking yourself to release the anger. As soon as we acknowledge it, the question will naturally arise in our hearts- where is it really coming from?... Instantly the anger will begin to release, but
When anger leaves us sadness comes in it's place... My teacher Jen has said to me after powerful sessions, "Are you sad? GOOD! It's a more expansive vibration.." somehow that doesn't feel right, because at least in our self- righteous RAGE we felt somehow more powerfu, less vulnerable. It's hard to release anger and pain, because the sadnness stings, Sadness always follows the realease of anger. But Anger was the front. Anger is the front that is fake, masking sadness....
Now, all that anger was being directed outwards, has no where to go, so it turns inward towards sadness, to the ROOT of the issues Ah!! So GOOD!! YES!!! be sad. It's more authentic, it's more real, and yes it hurts. But that hurt can't be medicated with anger, it can only HEAL with AUthentic recognition, experiential grace, and the love that follows... the ambrosia soon follows.
Once the sadness comes in, forgiveness can soon follow. An awareness that all that pain towards others was masking an injury of pride, of ego, someone said something unkind, someone hurt us... and it might be true, that it sucks, or is unfair, but that anger was only poisoning ourselves. It's "like a poison we take and expect the other person to die."
So then once this realization comes in, and repentant I understand that "Hurt people, hurt people" I was hurt, and in energy even though it was subtle, I was lashing out in anger and hurt... the minute that awareness and acountability comes in, forgiveness blossoms and the healing starts to work. Sadness is like the ESSENTIAL RAIN that Nourishes all life! Anger is like a bitter poison.... and then this BEAUTIFUL tender Ambrosia of Love follows sadness. And now my heart opens again, and the sun shines, and lets in the puffy white clouds, the greens of the trees gently waving all around, my heart fills and overflows with compassion, gratitude and love. For all again.
this is the process of healing.
How to uplift a room
Remember that when you want a space to be infused with love and healing you can easily do this to elevate the "room"... think E X P A N S I V E ... create a very big container... there is no bounds and time and space are relative and infinitely small and large and not linear anyway, past, present, and future are a fiction and merely how we choose to calculate and make sense of life... so shed everything you think you know and merely OPEN BIG create a giant container and become yourself very vast... then infuse that love as if you are holding the whole space, town, state, country, and world! Eventually this becomes easy... it is limitless how much we can STRETCH... people have been conditioned to fear doing this by those who have persecuted our ancestors and that fear has been passed on through our DNA .. it's been proven in generations of lab rats that this fear is inherited. But it is easy and possible to undo this fear programming and to reclaim all the modalities we have of becoming vastly empowered and as healers to uplift all souls... once we have gathered all in this womb container of love and infused it with these vibrations we see very clearly the effect of people feeling through osmosis this contagious consciousness upgrade, how connected, conjealed, with eachother. We unify the room and then we uplift. Musicians do this who are skilled. I've experienced first hand people like Patrice Quinn and Brad Barr and so many others do this. With love. Also healers like Jen Ward who use sound vibration and taps to reprogram ourselves and create massive planetary healing. With love. Honoring every being. I do this when I dance through movement and chi impulses I send out. As I scoop up all of the space and infuse, scoop and infuse... until so connected I am as a channel and conduit that I am being moved and then I radiate OUT even bigger sending conjealed healing through time and space. It is easiest to live music with musicians who are also cinsciously doing this. And it becomes easy to know which are truly infusing love vs those with ego and elitism and hierarchy still blocking the way... we all have these to shed continuously repiercjng consciousness to empowerment for ALL. It has been repressed in us to talk about. It's easier to keep it all superficial where it is "safe" but it's not safety it's enslavement to live in fear oppressed...but this is the work that must be excavated, that was purposely hidden from us... how little remains of how to make the gentle rains come without gales or storms... (it is profound honoring and love for trees and pouring it consciously j to the ground, not asking for rain but merely imaging her balanced and fed and Whole with all she needs that allows this with sincerity) for it is our birthright this wisdom and not something only a few are privy to. It is the key to LASTING world peace with no enemies or "others" blocking us... unify and uplift ALL beings... It is all within all of us and it is time we reclaimed the wisdom that was snuffed out for control and power of those greedy war lords scared little greedy ones we wereThe time is now to courageously speak of how this type of healing is truly easily done and teach it so we remember. This truth needs to flow in all the drinking water so we all remember and acknowledge the silent "feminine" type healing in all of us at work. The time has come where people are starving for truth and ready to let it resonate as such. Even mainstream humanity is so close and can recognize truth vs lies, hierarchy and separation/ diminishment; from empowerment and unity U N I. Or U and I . The veil between our empowerment is thin. Love you all. Let's do this love love love. We can do ANYTHING

Watch out for emotional bullies
who reinforce a reality that they are the victim: There are many people who are stuck in victim mode and don't realize they are the bullies. When you set boundries, distance yourself, or straight up tell them they are being pushy- due to their bad behavior, they complain you're not being inclusive and begin to prey on your sense of duty towards compassion values. Don't fall for it. It's the oldest trick in the book of highly manipulative people. We all do it to some degree. But most of us don't get stuck there. This is a form of energy vampiring. This is when people DON'T want to do the work themselves to change BAD behavior and so they blame everyone else when there are repercussions (effects) of their behavior (causes they make)they create. Reality is slippery and anyone can reform.
You have 3 options in dealing with these people:
1. Radio Silence. Distance your self. It's a bit of the coawrdly way out, but if you don't have the capacity to put up with people's issues then don't.
2. Set boundries. If this is someone who is family who you can not discard so easily, start by setting clear boundries. Don't fall for the emotional abuse and manipulation. Start by loving yourself and knowing it's OKAY and Necessary to have needs and to express those needs and set limits. and say NO.
3.Set boundries but also Tell them with LOVE, each and every single time they are being manipulative, but be prepared for the backlash. don't sugar coat it. Tell them the truth but stay by their side. They can only reform if you point out this tactic for what it is. Clearly point out their inappropriate and bad behavior. The compassionate thing to get them Un-stuck would be this option. However,"Sages and worthies are tested by abuse!" as Nichiren Daishonin would say! So to tell the Truth, but expect to get backlash. These people will go to lengths to not face the truth, they might form smear campaigns against you so they don't have to believe they are not the victim but the bully!. But don't worry. Other People can sense the truth.And this emotional bully will in turn sense your genuine concern for them to take responsibility for their own lives to transform them as capable beings... eventually. It may take time. In that time they may hate you. Keep holding space for them to change. Don't hold a spiritual grudge against them for all the damage they may have done to you. Hold space for them to heal. Send them love from a safe emotional distance. don't curse them as a lost cause.
You have 3 options in dealing with these people:
1. Radio Silence. Distance your self. It's a bit of the coawrdly way out, but if you don't have the capacity to put up with people's issues then don't.
2. Set boundries. If this is someone who is family who you can not discard so easily, start by setting clear boundries. Don't fall for the emotional abuse and manipulation. Start by loving yourself and knowing it's OKAY and Necessary to have needs and to express those needs and set limits. and say NO.
3.Set boundries but also Tell them with LOVE, each and every single time they are being manipulative, but be prepared for the backlash. don't sugar coat it. Tell them the truth but stay by their side. They can only reform if you point out this tactic for what it is. Clearly point out their inappropriate and bad behavior. The compassionate thing to get them Un-stuck would be this option. However,"Sages and worthies are tested by abuse!" as Nichiren Daishonin would say! So to tell the Truth, but expect to get backlash. These people will go to lengths to not face the truth, they might form smear campaigns against you so they don't have to believe they are not the victim but the bully!. But don't worry. Other People can sense the truth.And this emotional bully will in turn sense your genuine concern for them to take responsibility for their own lives to transform them as capable beings... eventually. It may take time. In that time they may hate you. Keep holding space for them to change. Don't hold a spiritual grudge against them for all the damage they may have done to you. Hold space for them to heal. Send them love from a safe emotional distance. don't curse them as a lost cause.
If you are not tough skinned and don't have a strong core of who you are this might be a difficult choice for you. These people have spent their whole lives crafting clever ways to get away with bad behavior to NOT do the work for themselves of reforming themselves, blaming everyone else and pushing themselves on everyone. Boundries, Boundries, Boundries! But also TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH and LOVE. Be crystal clear. Good Luck. Don't fall for it. 

The modern day Yogi is an untapped well of transformative amrita.
The question is, What will you do with it? Does it exist for westerners in yoga pants to go grab lattes and brunch after? Personal happiness is of course very important but only half of the reason these tools exist for us. World Peace is the other. Transform your world, then transform THE world. Personal happiness AND World Peace.
Will you channel this amrita and open mind and body and this enlightenment into sound vibration to work to create the powerful art of ALCHEMY in this world, to transform all poison to medicine, all fundamental darkness to light, in ourselfves, in others, in the environment for the world? In Yoga - We work on ourselves, we work on ourselves, we work on ourselves - and that is the only place to start. But as Bodhisattvas, as activated humans and healers we work ALSO in this world...
We work on ourselves to transform the environment! That is love's alchemy.
Next time You are alive and buzzing:
1.See the desired result (World Peace for ALL Beings)holding space for this visual coming to a reality
2.See the manifestation power within you, you are a MACROcosm, you capable being!
3.Chant the Words "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~
4. Put faith IN that and USE your desire for good to project that good out- to make GOOD CAUSE in the world for GOOD effect = Simple. Mystic Law of Cause and Effect= alchemy of love.
We are so incredibly powerful. Links below to extrapulate on the meanings of these.
! ~ Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~
Will you channel this amrita and open mind and body and this enlightenment into sound vibration to work to create the powerful art of ALCHEMY in this world, to transform all poison to medicine, all fundamental darkness to light, in ourselfves, in others, in the environment for the world? In Yoga - We work on ourselves, we work on ourselves, we work on ourselves - and that is the only place to start. But as Bodhisattvas, as activated humans and healers we work ALSO in this world...
We work on ourselves to transform the environment! That is love's alchemy.
Next time You are alive and buzzing:
1.See the desired result (World Peace for ALL Beings)holding space for this visual coming to a reality
2.See the manifestation power within you, you are a MACROcosm, you capable being!
3.Chant the Words "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~
4. Put faith IN that and USE your desire for good to project that good out- to make GOOD CAUSE in the world for GOOD effect = Simple. Mystic Law of Cause and Effect= alchemy of love.
We are so incredibly powerful. Links below to extrapulate on the meanings of these.

Deluded of the truth, we live in hell of scarcity, in trauma and competition. Aware of the truth we live in an abundant veritile garden of heaven and enlightenment.
Phenomena is not changing. WE change then our environment transforms.
(From our percetion, limitations, interactions, projections, and effectiveness having changed.)
Phenomena is not changing. WE change then our environment transforms.
(From our percetion, limitations, interactions, projections, and effectiveness having changed.)
Karma myth;Think instead of "Trajectory".
The fact that something is happening any manifestation whatsoever, to a person where an effect is present, means that it is part of your "karma". That word throws a lot of people off. They think it means punishment. Like you did something wrong. Or reward. This is very dualistic thinking of good and evil, punishment and reward. Blame, shame, blame games. (Victem vs Perpetuator) And this is a lie.
There is no good or bad, wrong or right. There is just trajectory and manifestation of phenomena based on conditioning. We are always manifesting reality, phenomen, based on cause and effect.
Intentional manifestation is when we break out of our karmic conditioning, auto-pilot programming and trajectory-cycles of causation, and start transforming poison into medicine... (There are wonderful techniques for this.) At this point we take control of creating, for our life, that of others, and for the planet... I hope this makes sense.
The first cause for something we view as "bad" happening, or something that causes suffering, could even be something as simple as guilt, self-sabatoge... issues of worthiness... not accepting success, it could be that we drew first blood with someone, projecting hurt onto others, knowingly or unknowingly. It could be a subtle micro-agression to others.
it could even be past life stuff-don't believe in past life? It could be something programmed in your DNA, in your blood from your decendants. Trauma handed to you from WW2, from being persecuted or from your descendants living with guilt about persecuting...
Karma means Nothing happens in isolation, so there is sigularity in this concept.
The truest and most noble of beings face very toxic situations to overcome. Nelson Madnela! great example. Ghandi. Hariet Tubman. Malala. It's not important what the cause is. What is important is that suffering is manifesting. So we have some karmic connection to the causation of that suffering.
There are very simple ways to address this on the most fundamental level. In energy. It works. The physical manifestation(life of the person) will change and follow energetic re-programming.
Not for nothing, but I graduated with a Bachelors in Philosophy, a major in Eastern Philosophy, and have been studying intensively various forms of Hinduism, Buddhism, Existentialism, Yoga Sutras, Heart Sutras, More recently, Nicheren Buddhism, Lotus Sutra, Yoga alignment sciences Sivandanda Ashrams worldwide in the US and in India, Hatha(body mind), Bhakti(sound vibration alignment) , Karma Yoga(make "good" causes), and Jnana Yoga (studying texts like Upanishads etc) sound vibrationreprogramming, Very effective Energetic Reprogramming tapping methods... And from my limited time studying these concepts this is my very best to offer in terms of understanding this concept. Feel free to add to this!

Yoga and conflict resolution...
In many ways, all yoga is, is HOLDING SPACE. This is done in a pose, as we allow any discomfort to settle, and then breathing there, into the alignment, present in the pose, trying to not react to any subtle discomfort, (except of course if there is pain) but rather allowing space for healing, circulation, and chi channels to flow in that alignment.
Think about how this can be used in politics, in life, in everyday interactions and relationships with people, especially in terms of conflict resolution.
The same can be said about Meditation. All meditation is, is holding space. In that space simply breathing and being aware of what comes up, without reacting, even if their is discomfort, annoyance, or any number of emotions that stir up. Letting them pass, and continuing to Hold Space in the present moment. There is an alignment that happens when we do this in meditation, when playing music, in yoga and even in life. It's a yolking, and a communion with source. It's a listening. Yoga is an intention that in that held space, all impurities, disturbances, and imbalances will settle, and balance and healing will come into that held space instead. And it works. There is an alchemy here when we hold space, observe instead of react. There is a planting of seeds, and an enjoying of the fruit all at the same time.
When tense moments come up. Try to pause, evenn if you want to react, even if you are being triggered, and notice, hold space, for healing, hold space to listen to how alignment and harmony can infuse. Notice the discomfort that is causing such reactions, as you stay present in the discomfort, breathe, and suddenly you will feel differently, undisturbed and remain centered and empowered in your chi. The path to how coflict can be resolved and harmony unfold becomes obvious. This is a very significant LIVING practice to realize how yoga and conflict resolution, meditation, and healing is simply about holding space with intention.
This is for the children and people labeled as "sensitive".
Empaths aren't meant to get trapped in the vibrations of others. Empaths can go where others can't. They can get down low into the deep suffering of others - without even trying, and they can resonate there with them.
Empaths aren't meant to get trapped in the vibrations of others. Empaths can go where others can't. They can get down low into the deep suffering of others - without even trying, and they can resonate there with them.
When empaths learn how to center and empower themselves, they learn that they are meant to match a person's vibration in their suffering, go there, but then pull THEM out of their suffering. They are meant to create a pathway so others learn how to lift themselves out of their suffering. How is this done?
If you have ever suddenly felt anxiety, sadness, fear, and insecurity for no aparant reason, it could be that you are confusing the people around you's vibration with your own. You may be a sensitive empath who feels these energy shifts and is able to resonate there. Like a chameleon. You have this gift for a reason, and it's not to torture you because you are "too sensitive." Learn to recognize that it is not your own, anxiety, fear, etc that has washed over you, this is how you detach from owning it, while still allowing yourself to resonate there, you can then stay centered and empowered and can then lift a person, and even a whole room up, to match the natural vibration of joy and love unhindered. By going there, and then creating the pathway by returning to your center continuously you bring others there. It works.
***Let me also qualify this by stating that empaths are not chosen ones, or superior. Any ordinary individual has this capacity. An "Empath" is simply a person who cultivates compassion and can therefore do the healing work of love. It's a choice, but we also all have so many different gifts. Sometimes you have a very "sensitive" child who has this gift.
IT comes off as sensitive or fragile, to the parent who doesn't understand, because they have not learned that this is a wonderful gift nor have they learned how to help the child center and empower. These souls can get overwhelmed with the amount of information they are letting in al the time. They are an emotional sponge. The home environment needs to be peaceful and compassion and love must abound for these souls to decompress and center at home, to build up their foundation and reserves.
IT comes off as sensitive or fragile, to the parent who doesn't understand, because they have not learned that this is a wonderful gift nor have they learned how to help the child center and empower. These souls can get overwhelmed with the amount of information they are letting in al the time. They are an emotional sponge. The home environment needs to be peaceful and compassion and love must abound for these souls to decompress and center at home, to build up their foundation and reserves.
When the child learns to become centered and empowered, this is when their gift can be used as described above. This is just one example. Anyone can do this.
If something resonates, you take it and use it joyfully.
If something has no effect on you, you leave it alone, there's nothing there for you.
But if something triggers you, there is medicine there. Growth pains. Stay with it, let it settle, all your reactions, and indignation, all your defenses. Let them settle. Once settled, the wisdom can be known in your heart of what was missing. Take it in and let the wisdom of it sink into the ground of your being for seeds to take root and transform us to new heights. It will solidify our whole being and empower our wisdom to grow more expansive.
~ Love wisdom
If something has no effect on you, you leave it alone, there's nothing there for you.
But if something triggers you, there is medicine there. Growth pains. Stay with it, let it settle, all your reactions, and indignation, all your defenses. Let them settle. Once settled, the wisdom can be known in your heart of what was missing. Take it in and let the wisdom of it sink into the ground of your being for seeds to take root and transform us to new heights. It will solidify our whole being and empower our wisdom to grow more expansive.

We have these very concrete ideas of who we are, and where we begin, and our environment ends. When we move our chi- like we do in yoga, and get our chi channels open, we start to feel... "endorphins", "Shakti", "High Life State". When this alignment happens for us, the definitive lines, start to blur, and our intuition sharpens. Part of our energy starts seeping out beyond those "lines" vibrationally, at least. We are more in tune and connected with everything around us. In energy.
People sometimes have the misconception that being this open, being this sensitive will allow us to get hurt. This is just not true. If anything, heightened, connected High, Life state SERVES US. Heightened intuition and connectivity serves us and protects us more than any other force. there is nothing we can't face when we cultivate High Chi. there is nothing we can't overcome. this is because we are more expansive, when we blur the lines and connect with an eco system of energies to accomplish benevolent goals, that serves ALL OF US. It may be true that we will absolutely FEEL more. But who said feeling more is "bad"? compassion and empathy will revolutionize great awareness.
People sometimes have the misconception that being this open, being this sensitive will allow us to get hurt. This is just not true. If anything, heightened, connected High, Life state SERVES US. Heightened intuition and connectivity serves us and protects us more than any other force. there is nothing we can't face when we cultivate High Chi. there is nothing we can't overcome. this is because we are more expansive, when we blur the lines and connect with an eco system of energies to accomplish benevolent goals, that serves ALL OF US. It may be true that we will absolutely FEEL more. But who said feeling more is "bad"? compassion and empathy will revolutionize great awareness.
All poison, all suffering becomes medicine when it passes through the expansive filter of ~ L O V E ~ There is nothing that is not. Love is un-Conquerable. Love is Un-defeatable. Take all your sufferings and use them as fuel to your Fire of LOVE. Watch how they will burn BRIGHTEST in that fire. Watch how you will be propelled further than you could EVER imagine from that fire. Watch how they will WARM you and fill you with invincibility. Those Harshest of sufferings, every slight, every bad word used against you or persecution, every disaster and unimaginable injustice, are but the BRIGHTEST medicine waiting for you to make them so. And each one will place you more convicted in actual proof of your ability to transform the world of sufferings into a Saha world of Love and heaven. All sufferings are love in disguise.
Bodhisattvas welcome such poisons~
Bodhisattvas welcome such poisons~

Getting the Chi to move for different people
I've been helping people heal for about 20 years professionally and this is one thing I've learned: For some, physical movement is needed and essential for their ability to move energy, to release, open, and heal. For these individuals, the stillness can feel really boring, stuck, and frustrating.
For some, stillness in the body is needed, grounding is needed, for healing. These individuals need to be physically still in poses, so that they can go deep into the energetic realms using breath and awareness, to shift their energy open, to release, to heal.
These people who need stillness will sometimes find movement based Vinyasa or "power yoga" or "flow yoga" very inauthentic.
What works for some does not work for others. My approach in teaching is to teach to the person. I can tell very quickly what a person needs, and how present they are, how deep they are going and how effective a pose or seqence is to get their chi moving, pretty quickly. I can sense their tension, I can listen to their breathing, and I can feel whether endorphins are flowing or not.
For some, stillness in the body is needed, grounding is needed, for healing. These individuals need to be physically still in poses, so that they can go deep into the energetic realms using breath and awareness, to shift their energy open, to release, to heal.
These people who need stillness will sometimes find movement based Vinyasa or "power yoga" or "flow yoga" very inauthentic.
What works for some does not work for others. My approach in teaching is to teach to the person. I can tell very quickly what a person needs, and how present they are, how deep they are going and how effective a pose or seqence is to get their chi moving, pretty quickly. I can sense their tension, I can listen to their breathing, and I can feel whether endorphins are flowing or not.
Acupuncture, Massage, chiropractic, yoga, meditation, pranayama(breathing work) chanting - all these practices move and shift energy that might be stuck. We open meridians, get chi channels flowing, purify with sound vibration- like a tuning fork, get blood moving, get fascia unstuck, all this with the (breath's) prana's help, and all this revitalizes the Shakti, the Chi- the life force in the body.
Life will always be complicated, but by cultivating a high life state, with nice strong chi flowing as our ally - we can move through any obstacles with ease. that is why we practice everyday. 

Releasing His-story-cal Injuries with Jen Ward
"A hysterectomy is a surgery to remove a woman's uterus (also known as the womb). The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the hysterectomy surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries." -womenshealth.govThere are so many examples of Historical-ectomies. The removal of the feminine powers to create has been all but wiped out from the face of documented his story. there was a time when feminine was alive and well in all beings, males and female, now more dormant.
For example: How much aboriginal and native wisdom/ medicine is well documented in this country's "historical archives"? As far we are concerned the "his story" of this land we call a nation, begins with the "discovery" of it by white people. And it begins with hallmarks in timelines on a child's history report set by Presidents, and wars.
Is it no wonder we doubt our own internal abilities and powers as life givers, as bearers of fertility, of seed planters, of shakers and movers as those who can speak to the spirits, and as powerful beings, when all this wonderful information has been all but stolen from us? Is it any wonder we are so afraid to even speak of the powers we have?
Even language is largely purposefully inept at communicating the truth of what has happened, is happening, and what can happen, into words. We are forced into confines of the "rational voice of what is real" forgetting that their is another in between world of becoming, where life gets called forth into being... that shares no such jail cells and confines of real vs unreal, and this wisdom gets lost, discredited, and abandoned, edited, hystorical-ectomied...
Instead of Jail cells, simply LIFE cells not yet materialized get called forth...
So when language purposefully fails, is it no wonder documentation proves difficult. The powers that be in our own heads and those who have burned us, hung us, shot us, drown us, and worse- simply for speaking truth, simply for being a "THOUGHT CRIMINAL" have left their impressions. But with eyes wide open we can overcome.
Jen Ward suggests taps:
The first step is releasing.
"I release the fear of speaking my truth; in all lifetimes'
"I release the pain and trauma of being tortured for my truth; in all moments”
"I release being enslaved to convention; in all moments”
"I release trading truth for security; in all moments”
"I release buying security with ignorance; in all moments”
"I release the fear of being different; in all moments”
"I release perpetuating ignorance; in all moments”
"I shift my paradigm for ignorance to truth; in all moments”
"I am centered and empowered in truth; in all moments”
"I resonate with truth; in all moments”
"I infuse my sound frequency with truth; in all lifetimes
"I emanate with truth; in all moments”
"I imbue my Light body with truth; in all moments”
"I shift my paradigm from ignorance to Joy, Love, Abundance, Freedom, Health, Success, Security, Companionship, Peace, Life and Wholeness; in all moments”
The poem below has really moved me. It is only when we experience a profound sense of loss and sorrow that, a door in our heart can sometimes open. When we "catch the thread of all sorrows", only then can we sometimes see "the size of the whole cloth." Can we relate to so many others, and develop true compassion. Compassion and kindness can only then enter, and become the only one "value creation", (Soka Gakkai) giving our lives meaning. Sometimes it takes a great suffering, for this door to open, so that we can be connected on such a more meaningful plane to all living beings.
"There will be a time when we do not need to commit to conscious acts of Kindness, because everything we do will be cut from this cloth. When the heart becomes an open door, kindness is our life state, the air we breath, and goes with us everywhere. This is what we have been looking for all along- the elemental love that is who we are. Before you can know what kindness really is, before you can know compassion, you must lose things."- Roger Housden
"There will be a time when we do not need to commit to conscious acts of Kindness, because everything we do will be cut from this cloth. When the heart becomes an open door, kindness is our life state, the air we breath, and goes with us everywhere. This is what we have been looking for all along- the elemental love that is who we are. Before you can know what kindness really is, before you can know compassion, you must lose things."- Roger Housden
This loss is an "expedient means". Expedient because it expedites our learning curve and our consciousness. This poison of suffering serves a purpose to lead us towards medicine.
There is a wonderful Buddhhist practice I learned today called "Tonglen". We breath in the suffering in our own lives, and that of others, and in the world, and we breathe out loving kindness, happiness, and joy. Enjoy this poem:
There is a wonderful Buddhhist practice I learned today called "Tonglen". We breath in the suffering in our own lives, and that of others, and in the world, and we breathe out loving kindness, happiness, and joy. Enjoy this poem:
Naomi Shihab Nye, 1952
Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.
Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness
you must travel where the Indian in a white poncho
lies dead by the side of the road.
You must see how this could be you,
how he too was someone
who journeyed through the night with plans
and the simple breath that kept him alive.
you must travel where the Indian in a white poncho
lies dead by the side of the road.
You must see how this could be you,
how he too was someone
who journeyed through the night with plans
and the simple breath that kept him alive.
Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow.
You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.
Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow.
You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.
Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.
Keeping a high life state maximizes our ability to help others.
The world needs love, with so many drowning in a sea of suffering so this is of utmost importance to take on this path without hesitation! And not because "life is short", or "we only live once", or "a human birth is hard to attain", but simply because suffering seeks cessation NOW, and YOU are the MEDICINE. Bodhisattva means beacon of light, lighthouse, guiding others to happiness, to Bliss, to freedom in this life.
And the practices that keep our life state high are BLISSFUL, never a chore. It is of the UTMOST importance to make time for them everyday, we should do this joyfully, because we know what magic happens, what bliss follows, what healing when we do this regularly. These practices nourish our Chi, they are invigorating! They are vibrant beautiful practices done with "Satvic principles" they are Love. What could be better than doing that everyday?! It is like liquid gold sunlight that we take into our bodies to empower our shakti, vitality. And we can't only do this once, and think we've arrived, but every day. Singing, chanting, yoga, dancing, breathing, restoring, eating beautiful bright foods... but there are so many.
The most powerful and direct I have found is Chanting "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo". I have chanted many many Sanskrit chants, but this Buddhist chant is the most direct for the purpose of lifting humanity out of suffering, so that planetary healing and World Peace (Kosen Rufu) can unfold effortlessly. This chant is directly for that.
Once we learn how to maintain a high life state, through a daily practice, for the purposes of becoming a Bodhisattva of the Earth; from this bright high life state, we start to develop CAPACITY. It is a Capacity to love others, to lift other beings up into this High Life state, out of the sea of suffering.
Meanwhile, our own life flourishes and becomes abundant. Problems will still come, but they will seem very small compared to the work we are doing to help others and the world. These little problems will even be welcomed -they will be opportunities for us to practice, - dealing with an angry person, working with a disrespectful person, dealing with miscommunication, or roadside issues- even death, even war, even big problems, all these challenges, they will be fuel for the fire, of our incredible ability to transform poison to medicine, of our incredible abilities as alchemists to transform any "karma into mission." And we will become even more CONFIDANT in our abilities as powerful healers in any situation. And in doing this with every challenge, so victoriously, so many more souls will emerge, as you, as a Bodhisattva of the Earth. And the world view of SCARCITY, -plagued with suffering and separation, shifts. And all our GIFTS emerge. We offer our gifts to others and the Gift Economy flourishes from a narrative of scarcity to a world of INTERBEING.
Sometimes I realize I am in a bubble, when I see others struggling to maintain a high life state. I forget what it was like in the beginning. How discouraged I would get. I forget How much work I have done, and I know I have so much more I have to do. If you are such a begginer, and you struggle to keep it a consistant practice everyday, remember that the only true devil is feeling doubt, defeat, and discouragement. Remember Perserverence, and remember Patience- not the kind that waits, but the kind that loves and accepts while you are doing the work, and remember your power. Just showing up and being present on your mat, or singing or chanting space, or shifting what you are eating- to include wholesome nourishing foods, means you've already won. Be never discouraged, never disparage. If obstacles arise, be firm in the knowing of your immaculate winning, the world depends on it. Have CONVICTION. 
Together, by maintaining a High Life state, we can maximize our ability to help others, through our gifts, for World peace and planetary healing. Do it!
and don't give up, not even for a day. I love you

Together, by maintaining a High Life state, we can maximize our ability to help others, through our gifts, for World peace and planetary healing. Do it!

We don't invent wisdom and healing, we inherit it. It is a gift from our teachers for us to pass on to others for their healing, and journey.
Someday I wish to make a Yoga tree to show the roots of Yoga and the many branches of the different lineages. They are not separate they are all linked. Not talking about the 8 limbs of Raja Yoga, just about all the different styles that have emerged from the practice, and their ORIGINS. I get asked about this a lot by students. What "works" for people is completely dependent on the individual. I find this has to do somewhat with the Aryuvedic Dosha or energy type, you tend towards. But one thing is certain, It is important to honor our teachers, our guides, and our students. There is an unbreakable chain in respect to this.
Someday I wish to make a Yoga tree to show the roots of Yoga and the many branches of the different lineages. They are not separate they are all linked. Not talking about the 8 limbs of Raja Yoga, just about all the different styles that have emerged from the practice, and their ORIGINS. I get asked about this a lot by students. What "works" for people is completely dependent on the individual. I find this has to do somewhat with the Aryuvedic Dosha or energy type, you tend towards. But one thing is certain, It is important to honor our teachers, our guides, and our students. There is an unbreakable chain in respect to this.
When I spent 3 months studying in India, what was now 10 years ago, I studied Yoga at the Sivananda Ashram Kerala. I loved this "whole yoga" approach because it was a synthesis of yoga, and did not focus only on the yoga poses and that Raja Yoga discipline. Raja- purifies and aligns the body and mind, yes with poses, meditation, observing of principles and values, and also Pranayama breath practice, but also Jana Yoga- which brings understanding through studying of ancient texts, Karma Yoga-which brings a purification of the soul through slef less service, and Bhakti Yoga which purifies the devoted heart through sound vibration alignment using Sanskti Mantras and chanting.
I later went on to study some Ashtanga in Mysore, India, and also Baron Baptiste style "power yoga" -in the states after my return. Baptist has it's roots in Vinyasa and Ashtanga. Ashtanga yoga was the style Baron's father studied and mastered- if there could ever be such a thing! And Ashtanga is another big branch whose founder is Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. I studied with his nephew as I was passing through Mysore in my time in India. I also studied Bhakti Yoga with Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī, or simply known as Amma at the Amma ashram. Amma is a hugging saint of love and compassion. Every morning at 5 am they chant the 1,000 names of Devi, or of the supreme Mother.
Other founders of lineages are Kundalini Yoga's own Swami Bhajan. Iyengar's founder BKS Iyengar, and Bikram Yoga, is Bikram Choudhury.
There are many newer off branches too, like Baptiste, Jiva Mukti, Anusara, Anahata Yoga, and even Forest Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra- and on and on...
There is one thing that the main branches all have in common, though and that is a man known by the name of Krishnamacharya. He was an Indian yoga teacher, ayurvedic healer and scholar born in 1925. He was the most influential teacher to every single one of the founders of the main branches. He taught BKS Iyengar, he taught, Bikram, he taught Swami Sivananda, and he taught Sri Patabhi Jois. He resurected Hatha Yoga Pardipika from the Yoga sutras of Pantanjali.
It is important to remember our teachers, as we don't invent wisdom and healing, we inherit it. It is a gift from our teachers for us to pass on to others for their healing, and journey. Health of mind and body and alignment is Wealth. I BOW deeply to all my teachers who have laid down this path for us. This unbreakable chain. 

“Self-acceptance comes from meeting life's challenges vigorously. Don't numb yourself to your trials and difficulties, nor build mental walls to exclude pain from your life. You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory.” - Swami Sivananda
An aging master grew tired of his apprentice’s complaints. One morning, he sent him to get some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master told him to mix a handful of salt in a glass of water and then drink it.
“How does it taste?” the master asked.
“Bitter,” said the apprentice.
The master chuckled and then asked the young man to take the same handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and once the apprentice swirled his handful of salt in the water, the old man said, “Now drink from the lake.”
As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the master asked, “How does it taste?”
“Fresh,” remarked the apprentice.
“Do you taste the salt?” asked the master.
“No,” said the young man. At this the master sat beside this serious young man, and explained softly,
“The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains exactly the same. However, the amount of bitterness we taste depends on the container we put the pain in. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things. Stop being a glass. Become a lake.”
~ Meditation Masters
This woman. Unime White OwlFarm. Helped me figure out something I had been trying to peace together for too long. With her 11 month young baby sleeping, nestled to her strong body, standing with me under the nearly full harvest moon outside the Big House at Alana's and Amos's farm, with the strength only a new mother posesses... She introduced me to the very real "imaginal cells" which remain to seed the creation of a butterfly. Explaining simply to me that when a caterpillar goes inward into her coccoon it basically digests and dissolves more than 90% of its cells... leaving nothing but those last goopy cells to recreate a whole new winged being... These are termed "imaginal cells," and it is these visionary cells imagining of realms expansive... which essentially birth what is to become... the butterfly.
My eyes widened there in the cool VT pines, with the wafting smell of campfire nearby... lifting me high up to a vantage point of infinite comprehension... zooming me out, able to see.. the bigger picture... I instantly comrehended something vastly significant about our own awakening journey. About learning.
Have you ever had someone who was like a midwife to your own awakening in some way? Think back to the person who first helped trigger a profound level of expansion and rebirth for you... There are many who come into our lives who help us... "see". Where do these imaginal cells gain their imagining transcendental powers? Where do they gain the very vision to create such a profound transformation? Surely one would think all this intelligence exists in the DNA... but, and Dr. Sheldrake PhD in genetics would agree, to scratch beyond the surface of what DNA actually is, let alone to where learning and reprogramming and memories are stored (science has never been able to actually locate memories anywhere in the brain or DNA)...
It is the ones who have come before us, before that caterpillar that has provided the intelligence of how this transformation IS possible... and passed it forward. It is the inspiration, and the WISDOM unchartered of one who has figured it out- who generously HANDS over this wisdom graciously, which provides the MAPS and blueprint of how it CAN be done... And how do we really learn? Is it through a process of death and birth, absorbing and acclimating to new wisdom through DNA? Or is it perhaps also, as Dr. Sheldrake says of Morphic resonance- that "consciousness is contagious"... that when one member of a species learns a new skill, that skill worldwide becomes easier and easier for others to figure out?- this has been proven in labs... therefore it is VIA OSMOSIS that we learn. Via the lingering INSPIRATION and Imagination that we OPEN to recieve intelligence... And when one who is in our proximity is abundantly RESONATING at the frequency of newly acquired intlleigence... it is the open reciever that accepts this newfound intelligence and information... thus creating "learning."
So.... learning is what reprograms our very physical form. Do you see? We dissolve the old self and become anew. It is learning that seeds the imaginal cells with the wisdom to evolve and metamorphosize.
So.... learning is what reprograms our very physical form. Do you see? We dissolve the old self and become anew. It is learning that seeds the imaginal cells with the wisdom to evolve and metamorphosize.
And so- that was only background till now...- Who has helped midwife us, REMAINS PART OF US. Who has taught us, has literally seeded our own imgainal cells. Why is it that we can become FIXATED on some individuals who have taught us much? Think of the big brother who little brother is obsessed with... Why is it that there are those who have awakened us, whom we can't seem to stop... "studying". We are drawn to those who we know provide us with the seeds of what is to come in our own beingness... Certainly there is an element of communion, of unionn, of "Love" that MUST come into play for truly DEEP inspiration and learning to be possible. Once the caterpillar has turned into a butterfly- those few imaginal cells that have formed the entire CORE of the COUNTLESS, inumerable cells which become the butterfly have one thing at their VERY CORE and essence. The image and inspiration which helped give them birth, which formed their very being.
So THOSE who inspire us and open our eyes and ears to the TRUTH, which AWAKEN our transformation Will always in essence be a part of us. OUR teachers. LITERALLY a part of us... In Buddhism this is referred to as "The oneness of mentor and disciple" in Christianity ... Conformed to the Image of Christ
Romans 8:29 what is discussed is that God’s purpose in creation and redemption is to have a family of children conformed to the image of his Son...
Romans 8:29 what is discussed is that God’s purpose in creation and redemption is to have a family of children conformed to the image of his Son...
In evolution we learn from eachother and adapt for survival... Spiritually this is the SAME. We are expanding with LOVE for our collective survival and salvation... Those who are on the fronteir, the revolutionaries who seem so autonomous and unafraid... are actually simply open recievers... acclimating to the shift towards unity and harmony with all life, inatimate and atimate. Listening... hearing... seeing... uniting...
And all those who come before us, and silmutaneous to us... those who have figured out different parts of the whole... when we open in this way we ALL LEARN from Eachother... and those who have taught us a lot- They lend us their intelligence and weave the VERY FABRIC of our beingness of Becoming. They will always be a part of us. And it's not romantic love, it's Midwifery, it's union, it's Birth. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
And all those who come before us, and silmutaneous to us... those who have figured out different parts of the whole... when we open in this way we ALL LEARN from Eachother... and those who have taught us a lot- They lend us their intelligence and weave the VERY FABRIC of our beingness of Becoming. They will always be a part of us. And it's not romantic love, it's Midwifery, it's union, it's Birth. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Enlightenment. People always think enlightenment is some unattainable transcending away from the earth and the body. but it is about being present here and now- recognizing heaven on earth by Seeing the dignity of all things and this transforms everywhere you walk into the land of tranquil light by simply seeing and hearing Properly. Shakyamuni said this very clearly in the last teaching, the Lotus Surtra. Honoring the dignity and integrity of all beings all at once resonating in that unity. That’s enlightenment. Definitely not about going anywhere.
Related-People think pessimists are realists but really pessimist or simply those who have resigned themselves to a blind hell where everyone is powerless...That’s not realism, realism is fluid it’s understanding the alchemy and the true power we all have to create and paint this heaven on earth Simply by perceiving unity and honoring the integrity of all life and beings.Awakened to our power - This is enlightenment. Diluded to this power- - this is enslavement.
New York City is a good example- It’s amazing how some days we walk through the city and you see so much love in everybody’s eyes so many different stories, cultures ethnicities, - What a beautiful collage of oneness… Then there are days where everything is a struggle everyone’s your enemy just getting to the bus getting a cab etc. driving, I really has to do with our perspective, whether we are deluded caught up in the suffering of “us versus them”, Resonating with scarcity. Or whether we are resonating in more of an all-inclusive abundance, gratitude, the truth of interconnection. It’s where we’re all headed and it sure feels good. beautiful.
My Zia said something truly remarkable... i try my best to live this, and just passed this on to a friend in need: "en you are wise like you are. When in theory you know all the answers as to how to create happiness for yourself and others- but you refuse to get up and heed the call-this is the greatest sin their is. When we know the solutions but refuse to do the work, (to be happy)refuse to live the truth, this is the greatest sin. Laziness, slothfulness . It is the hardest to overcome, but it is essential. We have fought so many lifetimes to arrive at the truth. How fortunate we are finally to know it!! To have the tools, the wisdom, the grace of god.To finally arrive on its shores! And to not act on it, heed the call, carve our happiness and help when we have finally arrived at seeing?! This is truly shameful. " thes are wise words that must not just be understood carefully, but LIVED. You have all the answer. Live your truth. Get up.
💓" Angela Maria Longobardi.

Do you look down on anyone? Answer honestly.
When we do this, it blocks the "Unsurpassed Way"
Towards your Alchelmal powers, LOVE Expansiveness Truth.
We all do this sometimes.
When we do this, it blocks the "Unsurpassed Way"
Towards your Alchelmal powers, LOVE Expansiveness Truth.
We all do this sometimes.
It feeds heirarchy which is rooted in lies. The lie that some are worthy and some are unworthy, lie of separation -that feeds anger and takes up sword and shield. It creates a feedback loop of victimizing, perpetuating fighting and warring.
Don't feed the ego the lie of superiority. It gets us nowhere. We can not be ALCHEMISTS able to seed the world with peace, harmony, change, love, happiness, health, and unity For OURselves and others- when this arrrogance, anger, and lie is present.
If we want to be alchemists and raise the bar of quality of life for ourselves and for all of humanity, we must examine WHO we look down on, and START BY dissolving the anger and contempt and resentment we feel for them. Knowing what triggers us is powerful. It has power over us. Empowerment begins when we honor the inherrant integrity of all beings. All beings are atoms of God. Start there. Resonate there with their inherant dignity.
Who triggers you enslaves you from reclaiming your utmost alchelmal powers to take control of your destiny. The brilliance of this universal law, is that we can only do it, when we are expansively connected to the integirty of all things and all beings.We can only become incredibly powerful shape shifters, love workers, Buddhas and Bodhis, when we include ALL beings in that vibration of love. If we leave anyone out, our powers of life changing transformation fizzle out.
Love you all
Be an alchemist not a victimizer.
Love you all

Loving the Space Around Us
Caring for "Things" feeds us Love
Caring for "Things" feeds us Love
A well made guitar absorbs the vibrations around it, in the wood- as it is curing and aging... and this affects that undefineable "vibe" of the instrument... All guitar makers know this and they even have rooms where they sound tones into curing guitars. Jason Booth did this when he worked at Paul Reed Smith. It's like that when you step into a house full of love. You could have the same house, but if it was full of hatred, neglect, and anger- one feels that. It's different somehow... When there is love: The whole environment becomes a "Land of Tranquil Light".
Maria Montessori was a genius because she taught the children to care for and respect the materials. That is what they learn and reinforce the first few days of school at age 3, only to care lovingly with respect- for their materials. That is one of the strong tenants of Montessori. "Caring for our environment". They call it. And thus when we care for the LIFE force of all the "things" in our house- even cleaning is pleasurable because we are caring for life.And so it feeds us love back and we aren't exhausted from all the cleaning and house upkeep.
The things in our home is life that supports us everyday, that we usually disregaurd, take for granted. When we trash our house and then angirly and bitterly clean it up- it's a horrible destructive environment and relationship we are creating. The "objects" (they hate being called that) have love for us, when we treat them kindly with respect and love, they absorb the love, like a guitar does with "vibes".... Every atom of life, inatimate and atimate is resonating in frequencies. We can generate these. We are both recievers and generators. We can be victim or alchemists. When we are empowered and generating love- we are alchemists.
Notice how every day lately feels like Heaven? It does to me! Or at least most days in general? We are shifting with all the awareness and love that is flowing in the world now, all the consiousness... Even int he places where there has been turmoil, in Syria you hear of so many wonderful uplifting stories of love and unity and sacrifice, strangers helping strangers, this was also seen in Texas with Harvey.... and despite all the issues that are bubbling to the surface as Life in purging out the pain, and fundamental ignorance- the lie of separation that has burdened us for so long- It's been desperate for us to resolve and dissolve these issues and ignorance. Life is addressing the dormant ignorance that was always there... pulling it out, for us to see it- flushing it out, so the community- the intelligence possessed by the eco system could address it, and bring all to light. John Todd Ecological Design is a brilliant scientist ahead of his time that knows that this is exactly how water gets pruified MOST effectively and efficiently. By introducing bio diversity into tanks of water = life, the more diverse, the better - figures it out. Even toxic sludge water. Run it through tanks filled with bio diversity and the eco system figures it out. This is healing. It is the same process.
Education and exposure flourishes. Exposure- as it pertains to photos- to LIGHT- is the same as Exposure of experiences and education, exposure to diversity. The ecosystem provides the answers and the intelligence! And the more diverse we become- this includes honoring the dignity of the inatimate life around us- the more we can resonate at the frequency of LOVE with all things, within us and outside of us. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Music is LIFE. All form is LIFE. Sound and Light make up EVERYTHING.

Music is LIFE. All form is LIFE. Sound and Light make up EVERYTHING.
Ever wonder why some people can enter a room, and everyone seems to just shred through inhibitions so fast?! Or why everything feels lighter suddenly? looser? More expansive? This is why. For the sagacious person doing this (let's call this person an alchemist- because they are!), it's also survival, not all just compassion... people who percieve using subtle senses who feel everything and crave staying in the light where it feels really nice- don't have a choice but to do it for every space they enter... because they refuse to have to be living anywhere else but in a heavenly environment... why should any of us?
How is this done? Learn to recognize that it is not your own anxiety, fear, etc that has washed over you when you enter any given space.... This is how you detach from owning those vibrations while still allowing yourself to resonate there. You can then stay centered and empowered in your own vibration of bliss, confidence, freedom, love, and joy, and can then lift others to match that by oscilating between the two vibrations, continuously returning to yours until it is complete! This makes the pathway for others. This works even with a whole room and is quite powerful!
This actually reroutes the brain for others! It reprograms new pathways by teaching others on an energetic level how to lift themselves out of their suffering, negativity, insecurity, anger, inhibitions, frustration,- what have you... by showing them how to forge a path back to joy, abundance, connection... etc.
Many do this, and don't realize it, or have never really thought about it... This is Learning via osmosis and morphic resonance. Consciousness is contagious. Those who have experienced this before understand how powerful this can be both as a reciever and as an alchemist...
Refuse to have to be living anywhere else but in a heavenly environment... why should any of us?
In class today people were amazed by how quickly we could difuse stress and tension. We walk around every day tight in our bodies, stressed, holding on to emotional and in some cases physical pain. Rigid. Nothing but cortisol is what we run on, in this way. Even doing our chores is just that, a chore to get through. It's such an EXHAUSTING way to live. A prisoner to our schedule, like a hamster, a "Grind"... If we can flip the love switch on, we would have so much more energy. The universe was DESPERATE to give ME this lesson so now I could share it with you, on it's nudging.
If I could learn to SOFTEN my energy even in the routine- then everything I had to do in a day could be done with love, ease, with attention and enjoyment. Even cleaning the rabbit pen! Even driving in traffic! In fact holding on to my soft energy after teaching yoga- feeling open and blissful- I did just that. I stepped into this beautiful day and felt the sun on my face, felt it seriously emanate alive on my skin, felt the love in the trees love communicate with me, I was so present. Felt my energy get soft. Loving, open. This is medicinal. This is what healing feels like, like a purring of a cat-
that's why they heal so fast when cat's are hurt. They are experts at getting their endorphins flowing, their seratonin and their oxytocin. It's so easy to acess when we make our energy soft.
that's why they heal so fast when cat's are hurt. They are experts at getting their endorphins flowing, their seratonin and their oxytocin. It's so easy to acess when we make our energy soft.
ThenI went upstairs and rather than being slightly annoyed with the rabbits, I honored the dignity of their beingness and connected with them. I lovingly cleaned their pen which I do daily. Then I did the dishes and instead of being stressed, I did this with love for my children thinking about keeping the house clean and pure for them. So we could later make dinner together with calm.
When the barriers of inatimate life and atimate life have dissolved and we have removed our blinders, it creates a fertile ground for love- even with our things.
Maria Montessori was a genius because she taught the children to care for and respect the materials. That is what they learn and reinforce the first few days of school, only to care lovingly with respect for their materials. That is one of the strong tenants of Montessori. "Caring for our environment". They call it. And thus when we care for the LIFE force of all the "things" in our house- even cleaning is pleasurable because we are caring for life.And so it feeds us love back and we aren't exhausted from all the cleaning and house upkeep. The things in our home is life that supports us everyday, that we usually disregaurd, take for granted. When we trash our house and then angirly and bitterly clean it up- it's a horrible destructive environment and relationship we are creating. The "objects" (they hate being called that) have love for us, when we treat them kindly with respect and love, they absorb the love, like a well made guitar absorbs the vibrations around it as it is curing and aging... All guitar makers know this and they even have rooms where they sound tones into curing guitars. Jason=did this when he worked at Paul Reed Smith.... and this affects that undefineable "vibe" of the instrument... It's liek that when you step into a house full of love. You could have the same house, but if it was full of hatred, neglect, and anger- one feels that. When there is love:
The whole environment becomes a "Land of Tranquil Light". Notice how every day lately feels like Heaven? Or at least most days? We are shifting with all the awareness and love that is flowing in the world now, all the consiousness... despite all the issues that are bubbling to the surface as Life in purging out the ignorancethat was desperate to resolve, and life is addressing the dormant ignorance that was always there... pulling it out, flushing it out, so it can be addressed and brought to light. So education and exposure can flourish. Exposure- as it pertains to photos- to LIGHT- is the same as Exposure of experiences and education. The diverse ecosystem provides the answers and the intelligence! And the more diverse we become- this includes honoring the dignity of the inatimate life around us- the more we can resonate at the frequency of LOVE with all things, within us and outside of us.- THIS Communion that allows true communication is ONLY achieved when we hold such respect for all atoms of life. All things, all beings. When we honor the dignity and integrity of all things, we create a union, a connection. Then the communication flows in all directions and we are able to understand the solutions. Because the diverse ecosystem figures it out and can finally communicate.
This is healing. We all have fundamental darkness in all of us, that is doing the same. It's flushing out of all of us. Let it go, and let the loving chi flow in all directions! It's easy to do. Soften your toes of their micro tension... feel them DROP. Then feel the legs do this, then the back and arms, and eventually neck, shoulders, face softens so much the skin feels soft, all the micro tension is gone~ and the sinuses feel more open. the head is heavy and even just 4 breaths here, letting that fuzziness wash over you is what induces healing. Put EVERYTHING into this vibration. Imagine that it is hungry. That that fuzzy vibration- like you feel in the morning when you are so relaxed and waking or when you pets who you love are near you- THAT fuzzy vibration is HUNGRY for your fundamental ignorance-. That fuzziness is LIGHT and SOUND, is LOVE. You are resonating at the vibration of healing there. FEED it your fears, your worries, your doubts, anything you feel defeated by, or unsure about. Feed it - send all the negativity into the vibration of light and sound to be dissolved. To be OBLITERATED. LOVE IS BIGGER. It consumes the darkness, and you will feel so much lighter and better. HAVE faith in it. You can not really ever be lonley when you let love open the door to the essence of all things. In this process.
Anyone who is negative around you is NO match. Make your love bigger. Feed their fundamental darkness into that vibration too. Squash their suffering with love. We do this by seeing past it, like you would for a suffering child, see past to their essence full of integrity, and dignity.
Sending love to that part of them, respecting their essence which is love- and drawing it out of them... your heart and mind will be protected effortlessly. Don't get caught up in the mental realms of arguing or correcting anoyone's negativity- let love guide you and do the work through respecting them with genuine concern and love for them. Sincerely.
Sending love to that part of them, respecting their essence which is love- and drawing it out of them... your heart and mind will be protected effortlessly. Don't get caught up in the mental realms of arguing or correcting anoyone's negativity- let love guide you and do the work through respecting them with genuine concern and love for them. Sincerely.
Notice if the love fuzziness is being sucked out of you by engaging with others, dont let anyone drag you down. Stay strong and resounding in love, with resepcting the dignity and inherant love inside of you and them, until you help turn their switch on! It works. Or walk away to keep your love strong- this helps them too. It sets a boundry. When we can turn a switch on for others- This dissolves erroneous views in them, like someone did for us. Effortlessly we teach eachother so much better by simply living our love and light, and loving eachother's dignity. Genuine compassion and concern can be felt at it's core. People are hungry for it in themselves. This is how the ecosystem creates an intelligence, a pathway for helaing. All mothers know that when their toddler hangs out with a child just 1 milestone or 2 away from their child's learning curve- even for just a few hours- the child QUICKLY learns that skill effortlessly. We learn through morphic resonance... through osmosis, through being aware of the pathway to the feeling of love, it opens us to this intelligence. And we both learn... Likewise when someone has wisdom we need, with humility and openness- we feel and know that, we can "listen" with the inner ear in communion and learn through osmosis so much from others in this way... We are alchemists who create and recieve... how easy it is to shine, and soften our energy to the fuzzy endorphins flowing state... I LOVE YOU

This Post is dedicated to one of my Mentors Jen Ward who has taught me SO much. Infinite gratitude for you Light Queen. We are so blessed for the LOVE work you have come to do. That you teach so effortlessly by LIVING it, shinging it SHARING it. Thank you.
And thank you Darshan, Ambassador of inatimate LIFE, teacher of dissolving the barriers.
~~ You are powerful beyond BELIEF.
Shit... you know what I realize? You know when you wake up feeling like crap... hopeless depressed and everything you got to do that day is just a struggle? It's not about you! The reason why you have to conquer and slay that fundamental darkness and hopelessness every blessed day, is because you are doing it on behalf of ALL of humanity! Nothing is happening in a vacuum right? You are NOT alone in that feeling. So when you do the work of whatever practice it takes to slay it- you send our ripple effect so strong you transform the lies to light for everyone. You become a BEACON in the dark, illuminating the world! The more people do it the more it is contagious. So remember that it's not personal... in fact the more we become skilled alchemists the more we are prone to waking up feeling this type of overwhelming hopelessness from time to time... one could say God is giving you bigger missions by you yourself doing the work because we are meant to transform and rise from the muck for all of us! Be strong. Do it. <3

Shit... you know what I realize? You know when you wake up feeling like crap... hopeless depressed and everything you got to do that day is just a struggle? It's not about you! The reason why you have to conquer and slay that fundamental darkness and hopelessness every blessed day, is because you are doing it on behalf of ALL of humanity! Nothing is happening in a vacuum right? You are NOT alone in that feeling. So when you do the work of whatever practice it takes to slay it- you send our ripple effect so strong you transform the lies to light for everyone. You become a BEACON in the dark, illuminating the world! The more people do it the more it is contagious. So remember that it's not personal... in fact the more we become skilled alchemists the more we are prone to waking up feeling this type of overwhelming hopelessness from time to time... one could say God is giving you bigger missions by you yourself doing the work because we are meant to transform and rise from the muck for all of us! Be strong. Do it. <3
Every morning I do my practice.
I DIVE deep into the subtle currencies.
I swim in the SPACE between matter.
And the doorway is faith.
And the currency is LOVE.
This is the place where the work is conducted.
Like MASTER conductor Harriet Tubman... of that Underground Rail Road...
there is no "real" railroad at all... some could say it was "make-believe"...
yet in that space through faith with love~ we become the most powerful conductors of time and space, doing the seeming impossible as rogue wolves, as love ambassadors...
ending all slavery of the mind through our simple deep desperate desire for freedom and happiness for ourselves and all others
Transforming all sheep everywhere to very Mountain Lions!
Like Harriet, and Moses, like Nichiren, Shakyamuni and so many other Love Conqueror Bodhisattvas... in our ridiculous illogical faith that another way is possible...
Without any proof at the start...
Simply on that trust in the dream alone (that won't leave us alone)
Following the north star... RESOLVE.
Trusting the heart that is connected through intuition, to the Mystic macrocosmic pulse...
Where the truth of all things is revealed!
ANd in that FIERCE and genuine LOVE and CARING... in that GREAT REAL LOVE, we lose not a single passenger and our train never runs off track...
Everyday, and do my practice.
Diving deep into prayer that moves matter... diving into the spaces in between...
With X-ray vision. Where I can see through walls
For miles and miles~
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~
X-Ray vision? YES! Begin to perceive PAST the walls of the seeming concrete by perceiving in energy using your subtle tuned in senses. BEGIN TO LOOK PAST the External to reveal the TRUE! The heart knows things before the mind catches on, TRUST it. it will lead you to the free lands where the truth of all things is revealed and wisdom is waiting! and ONLY trust (faith+surrender +love) opens the door!
LOVE is the currency that allows us to walk through walls and lift veils, it is the FORCE that moves reality. It is the place where the sacred alchemy of shifting realty is made, where REAL change is made.
When a culture begins to emerge where caring and compassion is prized as powerful, we will begin to see this sort of "green washing" emerging. We will begin to see these pretend philinthropic sheep in wolves clothing*. Yes, that's right. People may think they genuinely care, but in truth it is only as far as they think it can benefit them. It is like as though they say with their mouths, "I care" but with their energy they are saying, "I will do what I must to get ahead." To TRULY make change in the world...caring about others must be born out of a genuine wisdom and a fierce removal of ignorance.
So, how do we decipher and recognize this false opportunistic profiteering within ourselves and others... which just goes through the motions... and shift collectively towards the type of genuine caring needed to truly transform this world?
We see it in "healing" spiritual circles all the time... and in musical circles as well! It is important to recognize this propensity towards perpetuating more of the same heirarchy because it IS more of the same ladder climbing in a new more complex guise. The Remedy?
BEGIN TO LOOK PAST the External to reveal the TRUE!
X-Ray vision? YES!
Begin to perceive PAST the walls of the seeming concrete by perceiving in energy using your subtle tuned in senses. The heart knows things before the mind catches on, TRUST it. it will lead you to the free lands where the truth of all things is revealed and wisdom is waiting! and ONLY trust (faith+surrender +love) opens the door!
X-Ray vision? YES!
Begin to perceive PAST the walls of the seeming concrete by perceiving in energy using your subtle tuned in senses. The heart knows things before the mind catches on, TRUST it. it will lead you to the free lands where the truth of all things is revealed and wisdom is waiting! and ONLY trust (faith+surrender +love) opens the door!
You will begin to understand who is telling you "Namaste" with their mouths, but "Screw You" with their energy... or "humanitarian activism" with their actions, but "hunger for power and importance" with their energy.
And Why is it important to be genuine if great good is seemingly getting accomplished on the exterior? Well, because NO amount of false "right action" in the world- heirarchy in disguise- ca ever make real change in the world. It will simply be more of the same, and be ineffective at that. We can not put on a mere costume of caring without really changing first, if we want real lasting results. We can not make change from the outside in! "Change is an Inside job"- as my menor Jen Ward has said!
So we begin with OURSELVES genuinely loving humanity, ecology, and all things, and when we do, we begin understanding the truth of all things- "Love is a conduit just like water is a conduit for electricity. If you want to connect (to all things) in a profound way, you MUST love to make that connection" -Jen Ward Perceiving in energy through the lens of love we begin to achieve true communion where the circuit, like a synapse is complete and information can transfer... Wisdom... And it is amazing what happens when the care is real- we BEGIN TO SEE FOR MILES. LOVE is also the currency, and it allows us to walk through walls and lift veils, it is the FORCE that moves reality. It is the place where REAL change is made. The undercurrent forming the concrete. This is how sacred alchemy is performed, by going there and resonating there... in connection... through practice. Staying in the glow where you feel whole with all things, and infusing your love and intentions for healing... active prayer. And it is corruption proof, because only LOVE can move reality! So RISE. Every morning and do your practice. It is more powerful than you know.
No matter what, Connect. Dive deep into the subtle currencies. The SPACE between matter. Faith opens the door. And the currency is LOVE. This is the place where this work is conducted. Like MASTER conductor- Harriet Tubman... of this Underground Railroad... and there is no "real" railroad at all... and yet we become the most empowered conductors of time and space, doing the seeming impossible as rogue wolves, ending all slavery through our simple deep desperate desire for freedom and happiness for ourselves and all others, transforming all sheep everywhere to very Mountain Lions! in our ridiculous illogical faith that another way is possible, without any proof, simply on that trust in the dream alone(that won't leave us alone), following the north star... trusting the heart that is connected through intuition, to the Mystic macrocosmic pulse... where the truth of all things is revealed! ANd in that FIERCE and genuine CARING... in that GREAT REAL LOVE, we lose not a single passenger and our train never runs off it's track... WE end the slavery of the mind for ourselves and all others... unlocking the sacred alchemy of LOVE, and lasting protection, justice, balance, freedom, health, joy, companionship... for all beings. The seemingly impossible is suddenly easy.
Everyday, RISE and do your practice. TRUST. Dive deep into prayer...into the spaces in between. Put on your X-ray vision by trusting your subtle senses... read energy not words or seeming actions. Make it real. -Lara
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~
Everyday, RISE and do your practice. TRUST. Dive deep into prayer...into the spaces in between. Put on your X-ray vision by trusting your subtle senses... read energy not words or seeming actions. Make it real. -Lara
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo~
What I love most about music, is that it is the prayer we make together.
This little one...
says to me after a lengthy discussion at dinner over homemade chicken soup, about those with "incorrigible disbelief" and what this means.. and about the (at least) 10 different kinds of life state conditions or "realms" that can be existing in parallel...
says to me after a lengthy discussion at dinner over homemade chicken soup, about those with "incorrigible disbelief" and what this means.. and about the (at least) 10 different kinds of life state conditions or "realms" that can be existing in parallel...
Mo: "... well... those who won't open will think anything more is like... make-believe... but its because they are choosing to believe a lie of their... limitedness.. because it's their... what's it called...?"
Me: hmmm.... Conditioning? Fundamental darkness?. Devilish functions...?
Mo: that thing that people use like a shield... like looks really big but in energy is actually very small...
Me: hmmm.... haha! i like that... hmm um... arrogance? Ego?
Mo: EGO! thats it... yeah... their ego... because they're afraid. to look and see how much bigger it can all be. but it feels so good. but they don't know, so they say it's make believe.
Me: Wow! Martina... you know I'm amazed by the things you say because you know you are only a small child still... and I'm just amazed at your wisdom.
Mo: There's something else too ..
Me: hmmm.... Conditioning? Fundamental darkness?. Devilish functions...?
Mo: that thing that people use like a shield... like looks really big but in energy is actually very small...
Me: hmmm.... haha! i like that... hmm um... arrogance? Ego?
Mo: EGO! thats it... yeah... their ego... because they're afraid. to look and see how much bigger it can all be. but it feels so good. but they don't know, so they say it's make believe.
Me: Wow! Martina... you know I'm amazed by the things you say because you know you are only a small child still... and I'm just amazed at your wisdom.
Mo: There's something else too ..
(now previously i had opened up to her about how i feel freest and happiest in deep connection.. where the incredible expanse of light is ALIVE.. deep in the moment.. where it feels warm and nice, and everything is in synch... in LOVE... with all things... and stay in that glow...and how I could stay there.. getting "lost" or rather... FOUND there for days... weeks.. years!.. and we all talked about the things that make us feel that place the most... but i also said I feel sad when the incredible magic from these experiences... when shared... are met with disbelief... by some of the closest to me... and it amazes me that those who are faced with incredible actual proof and miraculous turn of events and synchronicities... even when they are saturated deep in the thick of those same exact moments!... I marvel at how we could be experiencing the same thing- as they scorch the seeds and diminish and belittle the wonder away as mere chance... coincidents... rationalizing it all away as external conditions we detachedly have no control over... and then mock me as if what i describe is a made up thing ... or delusional... "the heart feels the truth of things before the mind catches up"... but if we don't trust the heart and the intuitions that tug on it to follow... than we never get a chance to understand... the truth." And i told her how it saddens me.... that they simply won't BELIEVE enough to surrender and let go... and TRUST... long enough to SEE..... Because the happiest place where I feel the most ME connected and WHOLE and free and expansive... is perceived sometimes as "not real" delusional.. made up...
so this child of mine says...:
so this child of mine says...:
" There is something else too... I am seeing something in energy for you... and it's like something is missing. Like you are sad because there is a missing piece."
Mama: "Martina.. I was a twin when I was a baby... And always as a child and all my life I felt that way.. and that no one understoof the places I would go... or things I felt connected to... I would live inside these whole places... worlds... where I felt whole...(now hugging as she crawls into my lap hugging me looking at me with compassion as she does... like a 3,000 year old prophet that she is...) ... I've ALWAYS wanted a real friend in this world... someone who understands where I go... or at least believes me... ... i never knew anyone who understood me and believed in me ... until you. And you don't just understand... you walk there with me... and you even go further. I love you."
Mama: "Martina.. I was a twin when I was a baby... And always as a child and all my life I felt that way.. and that no one understoof the places I would go... or things I felt connected to... I would live inside these whole places... worlds... where I felt whole...(now hugging as she crawls into my lap hugging me looking at me with compassion as she does... like a 3,000 year old prophet that she is...) ... I've ALWAYS wanted a real friend in this world... someone who understands where I go... or at least believes me... ... i never knew anyone who understood me and believed in me ... until you. And you don't just understand... you walk there with me... and you even go further. I love you."
...Somewhere on the edge between worlds outside of time where love lives... stardust graces our Sails and WE are the stars and Sea itself!... We have learned to steer our very ships ~ on the very winds of resistance!~ ! Yaaarrrrrr! Advance! 🌊🕊🌍💕🙏⛵️⚓️💪 ...transforming every resistance into love and wholenness~ We are all lost boys... and we are all Captains now too... in the freelands... sheroes and heroes toe to toe we be~ ... Sailing our mighty ships... HOME...💗❤️❤️🦁❤️~ ...the Ocean is LOVE! The stars of peepholes in a Wahl, we can walk through it!!!
#PhishisLove Supermoon powered Sees~
Thank you
We keep it rollin inside our Fuego~! Room for everyone on this Soul Planet~