"WE had invoked the realms of hell so that we could learn... I gave up power and gained wisdom... because sometimes the best way to know how far we have come, is to take a walk backwards through time..."
This time the torch bearers were a little entourage explosion called “Llama Lasagne!” -of all things... And this "secret society of costumed marauders" from Massachusetts put on one hell of a Halloween production dubbed,"Night of the Living Dead" at the unassuming Shea Theatre in Turner Falls. And what exactly is a Llama Lasagne?! Why, an interactive musical smorgasbord of oh so many talented gift-givers! From musicians to dancers, circus performers, students and charity organizations, sound engineers to the public access television networks, creative directors, choreographers, caterers, editors, costume designers, make-up artists... and on and on... Llama Lasagne is endlessly layered community affair!

And it doesn't just get audience members losing their inhibitions, it allows them to become, as Jason put it, a "Llama-self," or a costume-clad, experimental version of themselves, allowing them to s t r e t c h like a Holy Lama... in the freedom and fun of this ever evolving project!
Started around 2005, Llama Lasagna was birthed from a glorious accident involving a cancelled show turned to lemonade...or well... lasagne! Which equated to a last minute scramble of calling upon forged friendships across band lines, transcending artificial borders, and putting on one hell of a show anyway! Since then, they have been rounding up the cavalries and the ART-illary! bringing low key venues in Western Massachusetts two explosively entertaining, full-on theme-show productions each year for over a decade!
What can I say, I'm not usually late to the tea party, having travelled the world for music with musicians through expansive learning and collaboration... not to flaunt my pocket aces, or "dawn my tales and glory's ribbons!" but simply because it's the truth of the work we've woven. And having a partner who worked on games like "Rock Band," even with members of the Beatles creating this masterpiece which celebrates music! We have had our share of musical endeavors... So, love at first sight... the muse... what drives us, is not new, but it certainly is rare, special, and sacred every time... and we learn soooo much... being led by the muse. Nothing feels better.

Being a pretty present person in my daily, active practice -1)of keeping my self fed standing in heaven; the feeling of missing out is not something I feel often!
But in this case, hearing from founders, in our interview, about the 31 ! other Space-themed, Food-themed, Animal Kingdom-themed, Weed-themed, Girl-Power-themed... Fantastical, Fun, Whimsical, non-profit, Full-on, community-powered productions which Llama Lasagne has put on over the years, that were happening in my very own back yard!!! All this time!!!? Ladies and gents, I was experiencing some serious FOMO. What the hell took me so long?! Love at first sight for this project is an understatement.
Started around 2005, Llama Lasagna was birthed from a glorious accident involving a cancelled show turned to lemonade...or well... lasagne! Which equated to a last minute scramble of calling upon forged friendships across band lines, transcending artificial borders, and putting on one hell of a show anyway! Since then, they have been rounding up the cavalries and the ART-illary! bringing low key venues in Western Massachusetts two explosively entertaining, full-on theme-show productions each year for over a decade!
What can I say, I'm not usually late to the tea party, having travelled the world for music with musicians through expansive learning and collaboration... not to flaunt my pocket aces, or "dawn my tales and glory's ribbons!" but simply because it's the truth of the work we've woven. And having a partner who worked on games like "Rock Band," even with members of the Beatles creating this masterpiece which celebrates music! We have had our share of musical endeavors... So, love at first sight... the muse... what drives us, is not new, but it certainly is rare, special, and sacred every time... and we learn soooo much... being led by the muse. Nothing feels better.

Being a pretty present person in my daily, active practice -1)of keeping my self fed standing in heaven; the feeling of missing out is not something I feel often!
According to Llama founders, EVERY SINGLE production is different, and the only rule is that the songs picked by musicians, must somehow fit the theme.Then based on that, working with theatrics directors, costume designers, stage sets etc... a well thought out voyage with plenty of room for chance, is chartered for the listeners.
On this particular Halloween extravaganza in October, the quadrants were set to plunge us into the depths of hell to do battle with all our devilish functions. We would meet Jesus, dance with the devil and sing with all our favorite musical s/heros on the "other" side! As one David Longey put it, "heaping, gratuitous displays of mock zombie cannibalism!" would be sure to make us lose our sense of direction... and loose our minds... bahahahaha
Sometimes the best way to know how far we have come, is to take a walk backwards in time and space...

The physical invite to this event was sent to me that day by a new friend Anders, someone I met at the crossroads of our individual journeys, only once before...
Act 1, Scene 1... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A pretty little time-travel back in time~
Act 1, Scene 1... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A pretty little time-travel back in time~

It was the last day of the festival and it was held in one of those 1950’s iconic, mansion-resort-turned-hotel getaways, like in "Dirty Dancing." The Catskills and the Adirondacks are laden with these mostly abandoned places, from it's heyday of New York City middle class families summer camping it. It was beautiful... nostalgic... creepy... As if memories and ghosts still lingered in the very fabric of the place. Perfect place to slip between worlds.
So there we were between worlds, right between night and morning and the place was permeating with the kind of energy that lends to a choir of decked out jolly fools singing around a grand piano all night long, and a spontaneous band (complete with full-upright-bass) performing in the elevator for hours as they escorted passengers up and down! These expansive kinds of rare, cherished moments, saturated with playful freedom is what I live for.
Yes, it was the sort of magic of a job well done that one can't really grasp unless one has ventured through the dark, dank, underground rabbit hole of an all-night musical affair, and come out blissfully shining on the other side in full triumphancy! The genuine s t r e t c h i n g of our glorious selves was palpable. Brilliant Tom-foolery that was abounding so copiously without apology, on that April Fool's day, was something of the Gods and God-US-is. It is the realest kinds of heaven there is, when we are all held together in that free way, held in the ether~ Yes, it was Nectar, Ambrosia, Amrita.

It was quite a scene because now, this perfect, accepting place that looked like a wonderful cross between the resorts from "Hot Tub Time Machine," "Dirty Dancing," and "The Shining-" had cosmic giraffes, sequins tutu-laden disco-queens, and furry peacock-featherd, Never Land lost-boy princes, all blissfully lounging amidsts the dated statues and ridiculous topiaries, peppered on the overgrown lawns. And we all looked not unlike euphoric seals, fed by the warmest light of the sun's rising... lapping it up. It felt as if we, all had initiated the rites of spring. In fact, as I walked with Anders, I remember the contrast of the incredible warmth on my face and yet barefoot, stepping on patches of frosty melting snow... It WAS the very first day of spring, emerging from that incredibly cold, long, northeast winter. We had thawed the very ground with a job well done by LOVE. All of us, together.
And Anders... we had such a sweet exchange of ideas, art, and inspiration received and well planted in that fertile, fervent ground. I see people in energy, and he was shining a rare pure energy of acceptance. Our exchange felt as if we were re-programming one another with each other's unique genius with the vibrational intelligence permeating. And birthed from that type of meeting, we glowed, holding sweet reverence for each other's un-inhibited shine, basking in it like only long lost siblings could. I'd always wanted a brother... :)
It was made clear to me that holding reverence for others, believing in them... we learn so much... it is only in genuinely respecting the dignity of the life of others, that true union is possible... not just with humans but with all things... trees, cats, birds, the wind... in this holy space of communion between selves. This is the heart of my practice.-3)
Speaking of which, I have to take a second to stop here to revere Kelly Drew. What an angel! She is the one who took almost every single one of these pictures and videos that has made this literary journey through expansion, possible. If you really examine each photo it becomes easy to see what she sees in others. She sees them in their full empowerment. If you suddenly feel all the energy in a room suddenly open up, or feel more confidant... you will know. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. For lack of a better term, it's the "divine masculine" which usually gets all the credit for a show well done... but it's the hidden, subtle work that resonates at the same vibration as nature, in partnership with the masculine, which is feeding and sustaining everything.
Anyone can do it, but we all also have unique gifts and this is hers. My gift is seeing... and this doesn't happen often... but I can't properly articulate the size of her heart. All I can say is, I see you. Thank you for feeding this. Whatever you do, Take care of the Bodhisattva muse.
"Love is a conduit just like water is a conduit for electricity. If you want to connect to people in a profound way, you MUST love them to make that connection." It is a currency.
Jen Ward -4)
This would be the "Beyond" section of the story...

Speaking of which, I have to take a second to stop here to revere Kelly Drew. What an angel! She is the one who took almost every single one of these pictures and videos that has made this literary journey through expansion, possible. If you really examine each photo it becomes easy to see what she sees in others. She sees them in their full empowerment. If you suddenly feel all the energy in a room suddenly open up, or feel more confidant... you will know. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. For lack of a better term, it's the "divine masculine" which usually gets all the credit for a show well done... but it's the hidden, subtle work that resonates at the same vibration as nature, in partnership with the masculine, which is feeding and sustaining everything.
Anyone can do it, but we all also have unique gifts and this is hers. My gift is seeing... and this doesn't happen often... but I can't properly articulate the size of her heart. All I can say is, I see you. Thank you for feeding this. Whatever you do, Take care of the Bodhisattva muse.
"Love is a conduit just like water is a conduit for electricity. If you want to connect to people in a profound way, you MUST love them to make that connection." It is a currency.
Jen Ward -4)
This would be the "Beyond" section of the story...
Elucidated via Anders... I had a realization...Youthful visionaries have a real ease in how intuitively they "get" concepts that have taken other generations work. I met so many tapped in younger folks that weekend...
One thing that got me thinking from our musings, is the enlightenment of the concept of gender-neutrality, that has emerged from the current generation. It's not wanting to be shoved in a box to be identified and treated by society according to limiting labels: black/white, male/female, human/tree Muslim/Christian... which we have assigned heavy, measured values and primitive implications, based on such classifications. It's a wanting to be free. This freeing of oneself from that, is enlightenment. Choosing to revere life~ we're in heaven, choosing to desecrate it- we are in hell. It's really that simple, at it's core.
These savvy souls, that have had their paths opened... can feel the old antiquated paradigm that was about defining and control... and it blows me away how confidently they refuse to placate that paradigm. Humans tend to grasp at the fathomless universe, to prove how we stand in time and space by comparing all to "other." When in truth... there really is no "other"... because tog"ether" we are whole in the ether. (Put that in the ol paradigm peace pipe and smoke it!)
In my own children, <- click) I can see how clearly they know when something feels diminishing to truth... They are so dang savvy to bullshit. I learn so much from them. The spring of eco/socio justice response we can see amplifying is proof.
Even comparing youth vs older generations is a lie! It's a lie that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Dr. Sheldrake -6), Phd's research points that learning is "contagious" via what he calls "morphic resonance." Heaven on Earth is implied, if you study this closely. In fact even The Buddha's last, most powerful, and "essential teaching" -7) of the Lotus Sutra, elucidates that enlightenment is about weaving it into the world through seeing all beings as the divine Buddhas that every one already is, awakening this fundamental nature in all of us, through LOVE.
The most misunderstood concept which brings the most misery and death on our planet can be seen in the clinging to the preliminary parable teachings- that we must live and die a million times or renounce this world into nothing to acquire enlightenment, Or that heaven is out of reach in the "beyond"; looking to these teachings, is like looking at the finger pointing to the moon, rather than to the moon itself! Much like me saying I talk to trees, It was considered very radical to teach the whole truth. Many would not have believed this "essential teaching," so it was saved for LAST, once successors trusted and their capacities were ready... Which the whole world is now. But no one has to die out to shift to this understanding For Heaven's Sake! Despite how the world might sometimes look, this shift is happening... trust the feel

That's how all my heros do it, that's how I've learned. Indebted are we to those generous frontline explorers who first inspired us into our own awakening, opening our third eye in shared experience! Taking up the joyful struggle, making the path easier to cross into for successors... Is there anything more noble than this shared resilience?This "debt of gratitude" we owe our mentors, we pay forward, to all those who we likewise inspire onwards, in our hunger to weave heaven on Earth.Heaven seems impossible... until that TRUE freedom and wholeness is EXPERIENCED. BRAVELY creating experiences(like the Llama Lasagne experience!) in union with ALL Life, reaching out especially to those filled with hate who need connection the most, is Instrumental. Why would we want to have to live in any other paradigm other than sheer heaven on Earth? Engage.
Jason Metcalf and I spoke about this. He called this, the nourishing symbiotic balance of the "vets and the students."
"The students are comin in hot, with that up and coming fire... that momentum, which helps the vets wake up, who can get out of touch with the new shapes and forms. While the vets provide solid direction and grounding to the students." So well put!
Act 1, Scene 2
Anders and I were deep-in discussing such things when suddenly Instruments emerged out of no where and so we began singing up the sparkling sun of the New dawn, with a few other blissed out participants...
Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
And calls me on and on across the universe
Jai guru deva, Jaya guru deva
Jaya Guru Deva, Jaya Guru Deva
Jaya guru Deva”
Beatles;"Across the Universe"
Beatles;"Across the Universe"

"I got you girl... love would never leave us alone."
I was instantly transported through time and space, and recognized the immeasurable timelessness of love... the perfect universe. And as "white doves came flying off our tongues," sending out to love itself... I stood in awe, receiving this moment with my opened heart, mind, ears, eyes... in reverence. What a thing to receive... what "actual proof"... what a special implication to be cherished~ and Anders sang it so sweetly in that softest of morning glows...
When we parted ways later that day it was bittersweet, as it always is. Like we had found a real friend in this world to exchange ideas with... who understands us to our core. And too quickly, it was gone... "C'est la vie," of the music life realms of that fleeting kind of "heaven".... the circus of screaming highs and painful lows..." I thought in melancholy...
"It's a heaven that doesn't stay open,
It's the tug of war...
It's the hysterical beauty, with me that I can't even take!
It's like Lovin... more than one woman...
It's the HIIIIGGGGHHHH Sierra Heart-break"
...as my friend Nathan puts it...
When describing the bittersweet sentimentality and twinge of homesickness that comes after each in-depth "Llama Lasagne" production with connections forged, Dan Thomas told me that they apparently have a name for this too... and call it "Llama hangover." :)
...but in the trees we are whole, and in wisdom, we know we are everywhere...
And though we long for it, that longing drives us to plant it everywhere we walk. And when we love the ones we're with... the love we take is equal to the love... we make.
And though we long for it, that longing drives us to plant it everywhere we walk. And when we love the ones we're with... the love we take is equal to the love... we make.
Little did I know, this was all part of a cosmic puzzle that would serve a later greater purpose... I distinctly remember having all this great material to write a piece about that fateful Rock and Roll Resort Fool-Moon rising, fooly-beary weekend of April Tom-Foolery...... (alright alright :) ...but feeling like the time wasn't quite... coalesced. I didn't have the answer for this... I must be patient... even though I suck at this. But in excitement my heart knew something was brewing... which is that sometimes the people we feel kismet with, are simply pointing towards something... bigger...
Act 2, Scene 1
Act 2, Scene 1

When we set an intention we are destined to follow through on, the effects of the causes we are about to make, permeate the past, from it's gravity... That’s right... and the past "trajectory" we are currently on is erased the minute we plot out a new one... like Michael J Foxes hand in Back to the Future!! :) Look at that cool perfect font!
Apparently the trajectory I was sticking my thumb out for, involved going STRAIGHT To HELL!?! What the...Was I signing up for?
Apparently the trajectory I was sticking my thumb out for, involved going STRAIGHT To HELL!?! What the...Was I signing up for?

Like most creative types, I'm a true introvert who loves my rich inner world~ who only shows her true self when freedom and creative expression is available...
I reminded myself of everything I have ever written about. That the energy I felt was not my own... in detachment I started working as alchemist, in a soft place to lift the room free of nervous inhibitions, by invoking loving acceptance and grounding. I felt more calm instantly... and spacious. It worked.

As lights dimmed and things started to get weird, with "Death" lurking around every corner... They started HOT with a few tunes including this one which was played and sung beautifully by Illana Morris and James Todd...
"All 7 and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And together we'll love through
All space and time, so don't cry
One day all 7 will die
And I saw an angel come down unto me
In her hand she holds the very key
Words of compassion, words of peace " Prince; "7"
^YES!!! Suddenly everything made sense! The reason I was here, the walk through time... the heart of this peace contained in these elucidating Prince lyrics! I was meant to walk through the realms I've learned to untangle and dissolve, one by one, and write about the journey's process! YES, it was the age-old existential Holy Grail (mary-meant) mother of all questions which I was meant to attempt to articulate! This was the task at hand being asked of me! How to pull ourselves out of the oppressive stagnant realms that attempt to pummel us to death every damn day- and anchor through eye opening - truth, and heart opening -love, into the "key" state of pure present BLISS... Iand I was meant to walk through and articulate that process via the funnest most celebratory way EVER nonetheless! Holy Hoopla adventure! Wow... thank you life~
Hungry Ghosts:
One of the first realms we were plunged into was the Hungry ghost realm...
This Hungry Ghosts realm is one of the worst, hallmarked by insatiable craving, possessiveness, and devouring with no seeming end, in this toxic stew... Second of the four hells~
Here is a glimpse of the non-fixed types of states we slip and oscillate between everyday...
Six Lower Paths:
Four Hells:
-Hell (war, and ultimate desecration of life)
-Hungry ghosts
-Brutality-Humanity (neutral tranquility)
-Asura (Arrogance/unworthiness)
-Heaven (that is fleeting based on external changing conditions)
Four Noble Realms:
-Voice Hearers/Learning
-Bhodisattva Practice (boundless compassion)
-Buddhahood(anchored state of heaven)
The way out of this abyss of endless excess, craving, and consumption was easy... It's to see how unfulfilling, empty and unsatisfying it all is... This is easy once we are presented with something so much more whole...
Asura Realm:
The illustrious Sal Maffettone belts out:
"And I was round' when Jesus Christ, had his moment of doubt and pain...
Pleased to meet you Hope you Guess my Name...
But what's puzzling you, Is the nature of my game...
I watched with glee While your kings and queens Fought for ten decades For the gods they made...
And I laid traps for troubadours who get killed before they reached Bombay..."Ah... This type of hell that invokes Unworthiness... is a competitive realm, where we become riddled with doubt ad contempt... constantly comparing ourselves to others... looking in our neighbor's bowl, to see if they have more than us, rather than enough...
The Rolling (fucking) Stones! Sympathy For the Devil
Projected onto others, it takes the form of superiority.
Projected onto ourselves it manifests as feeling worthless and inferior!
What a trap! I knew it well... It's the Win/lose paradigm rooted in the lie of scarcity... pppft, as if there is not enough love or empowerment to go around! Looking down on some, while kissing other's asses who we idolize -are the hallmarks of this hierarchy.
Freeing oneself from this one comes down to not deferring to anyone else's energy to base worth. -11) We all have a unique purpose to unlock... This is the one many are working hard to shift out of right now, This is the one to watch. When we free ourselves out of this horrible hell, we forge a pathway for others... that resonates in the ether and rewires our collective hive-mind, to strengthen the whole. To free ourselves from this devil, would be to move towards ending all wars, as each of our winning ripples and helps thousands more! It's not always obvious... it's subtle. To even look down on a fly, creates bigotry, ecocide, genocide and lies of separation that sever oneness. I try to notice it carefully.
Act 2; Scene 2
The Medicine:
Doing battle in these realms of hell, I trusted the process, and knew it was to strengthen me. So I bared witness to the testing barrage these negative thoughts assaulted in me... of doubt, jealousy, insecurity... as they surfaced... without fear... and in doing so I released them all, seeing through them for what they were...
And as Sean McMahon floated across the stage, in a grace of an impossibly brilliant light, I knew I had saved... myself. And would you listen to the joy of that committed cow bell! :)
And as Sean McMahon floated across the stage, in a grace of an impossibly brilliant light, I knew I had saved... myself. And would you listen to the joy of that committed cow bell! :)
"Come on baby Don't fear the reaper
Baby take my hand, Don't fear the reaper
We'll be able to fly, Don't fear the reaper"
Anytime something feels diminishing, it's a lie sprung from the hell of ignorant reptilian brains... Which will attempt to cast us into roles to fit that life state-narrative with loads of inhibitions. Don't come into agreement with any roles cast like a fisherman's hook! Be free! Sing your song, shed inhibitions! Only YOU can put out fires attempting to burn you... Shining, open people, are "PrEyed" upon and "PrAyed" upon... accept neither. Both are a lie. "The brightness reminds them of the blindness they've embraced." Nathan Moore -12)
When resigned to a blind hell... the miserable want to be triggered by those who stay in open mode. These attacks and projections have got nothing to do with the truth of who we all are. Knowing it, will help not trigger us into pulling the trigger on others -which is what they want so they can prove their narrative that you are an enemy, a naive outlaw, a phantom anomaly, a glitch in the matrix... "Why should you get to be free when they don't?"- they think. By not falling for the trap, this helps them awaken to a broader life-state available within themselves... by ending the cycle of the shoot-out by showing them win/win is possible. They can be free too. That's what anyone drawn to a bright mirror really wants, after all.
And we can all fall into this. We have no idea we are killing art, and perpetuating war when we do this. We just get oppressed and entangled in these lies of scarcity, unworthiness, and powerlessness ourselves, and then try to pull others into those agreements... but the ABSOLUTE most Compassionate GIFT we can ever give each other, is to help each other out by staying awake to it. Meet dissension with stone cold silence. Choose not to play. Accept nothing but the paradigm of mutual respect. In doing so, with no where to dump angsty narrative, it "heels," and heals! -the lack of respect. By returning the narrative to the sender, it forces an eventual awakening to to do the work, of unlocking our own gifts and empowerment. Hold space for all to arrive on these shores. We are starving for it, that's why there is a draw to attack, when triggered by a bright light. Because we have identified so long to the lie... that it hurts to face what gets exposed. Try to receive the correction without shame.

If you think about it... the heart has all the answers before it makes sense to the mind... and if you need guidance, just go ask a tree a question, whose ecosystem and wisdom is ages older than ours. See what answers you get back arising from the thoughts in your own mind.... they are so wise, eager to help, and be our friends... Every scientific discovery that has ever come into being, started first as an intuition that tugged on our sleeve, and then as a beautiful exploration fostering innovation... instincts that pull on the heart and open the mind, are the ancient eco-systems feeding The open-hearted... wisdom. <3~ -me
The Wisdom of the Tress is a book that helps a lot on how to hear the trees.
An example-The Yogis knew the "throat chakra" was a powerful energy center in the body WELL before modern science discovered the thyroid gland was LARGELY responsible for creating hormonal balance and metabolism regulation. Just as what is known as "chi" or "shakti" (the STRONG well of always-available sustenance that sparkles within us) was later discovered to be labeled as "endorphins," "serotonin," "oxytocin"... which we can direct and release at will, repairing and fortifying, us, keeping us connected and "happy." This is "amrita", or your personal God Juice~ flowing abundantly within us, making us stronger. When we soften our energy and open we can learn to direct it. Cortisol is the reptilian devil juice within us. :)
So tell them devils of fathomless oppression, to fuck off!
Zombie no go go, unless you tell am to go (Zombie)Zombie no go stop, unless you tell am to stop (Zombie)Zombie no go turn, unless you tell am to turn (Zombie)Zombie no go think, unless you tell am to think (Zombie) Fela KutiOne perfect Rockaliscious Jim Morrison, AKA Nate Martel belted this one out perfectly right as I was having this revelation.
This spectacular show seemed to end too soon, leaving us all wanting more. Llama Lasagne had taken us into the afterlife, through the depths of hell, and with all the realms of hell far behind us~ which we slayed victoriously, we ascended immaculately with a "Stairway to Heaven!"
After all, how else would we resolve a Zombie Apocalypse?! said Dan Thomas... And as Kelly Drew put it:
"Stairway to Heaven is making me Reconsider my whole life!" Yup. What a way to end the show.
After all, how else would we resolve a Zombie Apocalypse?! said Dan Thomas... And as Kelly Drew put it:
"Stairway to Heaven is making me Reconsider my whole life!" Yup. What a way to end the show.
Rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who standing looking...
And it's whispered that soon, If we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter...
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter...
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on...
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
What else is there really to say accept that Llama Lasagne-click) is doing it right!!
Musical expansion, playfulness, creative freedom, and Merriment- is alive and well here! Look out for the next Train To Heaven...
of what is sure to be a totally new and surprising Merry-Pranksteresque Layerd adventure of Llama goodness!!
Hope you enjoyed this short-story adventure of mysticism, love, and the magic of Music! Till next time, and to all the love made between unions!!
Musical expansion, playfulness, creative freedom, and Merriment- is alive and well here! Look out for the next Train To Heaven...
of what is sure to be a totally new and surprising Merry-Pranksteresque Layerd adventure of Llama goodness!!
Hope you enjoyed this short-story adventure of mysticism, love, and the magic of Music! Till next time, and to all the love made between unions!!
Lara Wahl spends a lot of time with trees...
Awesome Lara, thanks for sharing!